Using the specifications which you make here, the delivering plant creates the intercompany invoice together with the internal customer number of the sales organization which placed the order. The internal customer number is specified in the Customizing configuration menu for sales and distribution in th...
With the 2502 release in Q1 2025 it is planned to support basic advanced intercompany sales processing with make-to-order (MTO) and advanced variant configuration (AVC). For more details check out the roadmap item Advanced intercompany sales: basic make-to...
Direct Shipment to customer using Intercompany plant:Orders requiring direct shipment of product employs standard intercompany functionality, where the sales order header will reflect the Sales Area owning the sale to the end customer, and the specific line item in question will possess a source plant...
Using the specifications which you make here, the delivering plant creates the intercompany invoice together with the internal customer number of the sales organization which placed the order. The internal customer number is specified in the Customizing configuration menu for sales and distribution in th...
11、in Sales & Distribution customizing under Billing ->Intercompany Billing -> Automatic Posting to Vendor Account (SAP-EDI) -> Assign Vendor.· The company code is determined using a customer exit, for example, EXIT_SAPLIEDI_001 (enhancement FEDI0001).也就是说如果不维护,系统则从idoc文件获取...
5、DistributionMaster DataBaste FunctionsSalesSTEP 2JSEJ6N V_TVAKJV""1/ IForeign Trade/CustomsBillingBilling DocumentsSTEP 2.2SE16NV TOOIW IVPayment CardsRebate ProcessingIntercompany BiHirig爲 Define Order Types For Intercompany Billing爭 Assign Organizational Units By Plant空Define Internal Cu 6、sto...
“IV”. Using the intercompany sales area, internal customer and billing document type “IV”, a different pricing procedure is determined. Pricing procedure ICAA01is determined. The revenue is posted using condition type IV01, which references the pricing data from condition type PI01. The ...
Additionally, the newadvanced intercompany salesprocess allows two affiliated companies to participate in a single intercompany process, as when a local sales office sells to a customer and the producing company delivers the goods directly to the customer, or a local sales organization sells to a cu...
createstheintercompany invoicetogetherwith theinternal customernumberof the salesorganizationwhichplacedthe o rder. Theinternalcustomer numberisspecifiedintheCustomizingcon figuration menufor salesanddistribution inthemenuoption Sal esorganization. 2)分配销售组织和内部客户,在发货工厂开票的时候,开票的客户是如果确...
Intercompany sales Go to solution nikhilmadarkar123_ Explorer on 2019 Oct 02 0 Kudos 219 SAP Managed Tags: SD (Sales and Distribution) How to disable automatic PR generation fir specific Order? What are necessary Configuration in schedule line item category? sap sd...