例如,在物联网应用场景中,Integration Suite 可以帮助企业将来自不同传感器的数据进行整合和处理,帮助管理者实时了解生产现场的情况并做出决策。此外,在 AI 集成方面,Integration Suite 可以将企业内部系统与外部的 AI 服务连接起来,实现智能化的数据处理和分析。 通过以上的介绍,可以看出 SAP BTP Integration Suite 在...
SAP Integration Suite 组件概览 SAP Integration Suite 由多个组件组成,它的核心组件是 SAP Cloud Integration。这个中间件平台作为基于云的服务提供。几年来,SAP 在功能开发上一直专注于基于云的 SAP Cloud Integration。SAP 产品组合中的其他中间件平台不再是进一步开发的重点。 SAP API Management 组件也是 SAP Integ...
此外,需要访问SAP Integration Suite,以便为SAP PO中的云运行时开发接口。 推荐的SAP PO的最低版本 建议在至少SP 12的SAP PO系统中使用SAP Cloud Integration内容。在此SP中,ProcessDirect适配器首次在SAP PO中提供,这是SAP Integration Suite接口设计的基础元素。 此外,当使用SAP Cloud Integration内容时,建议定期更...
In this scenario, the SAP systems are always accessed centrally via the API gateway – SAP API Management as part of the SAP Integration Suite (possible exception: SAP to SAP integration and classic EDI), and individual point-to-point interfaces are no longer built. APIs are documented in a...
Exploring the Library of Type Systems in SAP Integration Suite SAP Integration Suite has the ability to process a wide range of document types, including structured and unstructured data, EDI data, flat files, and database records. To make the message mapping from source to target file easier,...
Number Range Objects for EDI in SAP Integration Suite (BTP-IS, CPI, PI/PO) In EDI transactions, every message transmission is wrapped in an interchange envelope, and each envelope requires a unique Interchange Control Number (ICN). These numbers ensure that messages are traceable and prevent [...
Cloud Integration with SAP Integration Suite The Comprehensive Guide Bring your cloud and on-premise applications together with Cloud Integration (formerly SAP Cloud Platform Integration) in SAP Integration Suite!Integrate processes and data in your system, step by step, by…More about the book ...
SAP Integration Suite 中的可访问性功能 术语和术语表 定义消息转换器步骤 消息转换器将一种格式的消息转换为另一种格式。 相关信息 定义内容修正符 定义XML 修正符 配置CSV 到 XML 转换器 配置XML 到 CSV 转换器 定义JSON 到 XML 转换器 定义XML 到 JSON 转换器 定义EDI 到 XML 转换器 定义解码器 定义...
SPS Commerce Fulfillment Connector for SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud streamlines the integration process through a pre-configured solution package that can be seamlessly deployed within the SAP Integration Suite on the SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP). This solution facilitates a smoother integration ...