Console 看到消息:No Active index found, FULL indexer operation must be performed before any other operation Caused by: de.hybris.platform.solrfacetsearch.solr.exceptions.SolrIndexNotFoundException: de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.exceptions.UnknownIdentifierException: Active index not found: {indexedType=...
SAP植根中国三十年,提供ERP、CRM、人力资源管理、数字化供应链、业务技术云平台、支出管理等解决方案。无论你的企业来自哪个行业、规模如何,SAP 都能为你提供卓越的云软件、数字化管理平台和可持续发展解决方案,助你转型成为新型中国企业。
Note: All index.html files will be processed. If you want to replace only specific files, you have to set the path of the file relative to localDir. Note: All files should be UTF-8 encoded. Note: If a service is not found an error is thrown on startup. Note: If a service and ...
group: group: files [NOTFOUND=return] nis group: file [NOTFOUND=return] nisplus Sun Cluster HA for SAP 使用 su user 命令启动和探测 SAP。 如果群集节点的公共网络出现故障,网络信息名称服务可能会变为不可用。 为 /etc/nsswitch.conf 文件中的 group 添加其中一个项后,可确保在网络信息名称服务不可...
This blog is based on a fresh installation of SUSE Linux for SAP OS without having any previous SAP instances created and deleted. I did not have to pre install hostagent, etc. There are mount points/links to be setup as shown in the right place in the directory structure. The steps ...
● SAP HANA Service Restart, including Index Server Crash. ● SAP HANA Upgrade/Service Pack Fig. 1 shows the memory use case as well as how tmpfs can grow and shrink dynamically. The following three parameters are important for the setup: ...
9.2 Delete index on the Material Stocks/Movements (0IC_C03) cube 9.3 Delete PSA-requests 10. Extraction to BI: Initialization 2LIS_03_BX (Opening Balance) 11. Extraction to BI: Initialization 2LIS_03_BF 12. Extraction to BI: Initialization 2LIS_03_UM ...
not_found = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc EQ 0 . CALL FUNCTION 'LIST_TO_ASCI' EXPORTING list_index = -1 TABLES listasci = txtlines listobject = list_tab EXCEPTIONS empty_list = 1 list_index_invalid = 2 OTHERS = 3. ENDIF. I am got below result CALL FUNCTION 'LIS...
database:database: filesdatabase: files [NOTFOUND=return] nisdatabase: files [NOTFOUND=return] nisplus On each node that can master the liveCache resource, ensure thatfilesappears first for theprotocolsdatabase entry in the/etc/nsswitch.conffile. ...
we start a Test from our Sandbox which is connected to the Central ATC System, but nothing was found as a Result of the Check. We therefore have written a Test Program which contains some not released APIs to Test it. But the result (without any Tool Errors) is 0 Errors. After that ...