软件方面,HANA的内存数据库(SAP In-Memory Database, IMDB)是其重要组成部分,包括数据库服务器(In-Memory Database Server)、建模工具(Studio)和客户端工具(ODBO、JDBC、ODBC、SQLDBC等)。HANA的计算引擎(Computing Engine)是其核心,负责解析并处理对大量数据的各类CRUDQ操作,支持SQL和MDX语句、SAP和non-SAP数据。...
SAP IMDB(In-Memory Database)是一个内存数据库的混血儿,不仅包含行存储,也包含列存储,而且还有基于对象存储的数据数据库技术,这么设计的主要目的是用来充分挖掘和使用现代多核CPU架构设计所带来的并发处理能力,毫无疑问,SAP的这种应用能从中受益颇多。 IMDB是SAP HANA的核心,用来帮助客户提升运营效率,敏捷而且灵活,下...
Manage In-Memory and Relaxed-Durability Databases Minimally Logged DML Performance and Tuning for In-Memory Databases In-Memory Database Users Guide The In-Memory Database Users Guide describes how to create, configure, and administer in-memory databases in SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise. Was ...
What is an in-memory database? Simply stated, it’s a database that is held in computer memory rather than in a traditional location such as disk storage. For most business applications, the time needed to store and retrieve data is the biggest factor in determining how quickly tasks can ...
那么ABAP Memory,它是属于Internal Mode间可以共享的数据,而External Mode间无法共享。 例子. 创建程序A,输入: DATA matnr TYPE matnr. IMPORT matnr FROM MEMORY ID 'YTEST_MATNR'. WRITE matnr. 创建程序B,输入: DATA matnr TYPE matnr. matnr = '000000000000001234'. ...
这使得HANA目前在行业内是相当独特的。Oracle最近发布的12c In-Memory Database多少也有向HANA看齐的意思...
Learn how a modern in-memory database can deliver the processing speed and responsiveness that is essential to businesses today.
而Oracle Database In-Memory通过在同一张表在内存中同时支持行和列两种格式,同时激活并保持事务一致性,对分析和报表采用列格式,OLTP则采用久经考验的行格式运行。这样做的各种优点请自行联想,不再赘述,总结一句话就是:百变神行,突破传统数据库围墙,可以在OLTP数据库中直接做实时分析,这在以前是不可想象的。
It uses the in-memory database, such as SAP HANA, without having to switch to a new programming environment. There is no change in the User interface and standard functions (also ALV services). ALV functions are adjusted to the use of in-memory databases. The new general programming model...