checks whether the operand operand is initial. The expression is true, if the operand contains its type-friendly initial value. IS ASSIGNED checks whether a memory area is assigned to a field symbol. The expression is true if the field symbol points to a memory area. 简单翻译成中文: IS BOU...
IF NOT < Fieldname> IS INITIAL this statement will check if the field is having any value or not. this condition will check that the field is not empty. Rewards if useful. Reply Former Member 2007 Dec 04 6:56 AM 0 Kudos 5,041 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development IF NOT ZC...
IF sy-subrc EQ 0 AND NOT lv_string CS INITIAL. WRITE: 'String is not empty'. ELSE. WRITE: 'String is empty'. ENDIF. 在这个例子中,使用NOT操作符将INITIAL关键字与字段lv_string结合使用,表示判断lv_string字段是否为空。 总之,INITIAL是SAP ABAP中的一个关键字,用于表达变量或字段的初始值,并且可...
initial 是初始值得意思,就是判断变量是否为初始值,变量是不同的数据类型初始值也不一样,不一定是空,比如如果变量是日期类型,它初始值就有可能是‘00000000’.
IF NOT i_tab[] IS INITIAL. SELECT a b c FROM X FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_tab. ENDIF. In this example you check internal table. You only do the select if exists any entry. Reply Former Member 2007 Jun 07 10:53 AM 1 Kudo 16,063 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I...
IF it_matmaster[] IS NOT INITIAL. LOOP AT it_matmaster INTO wa_matmaster. * CLEAR bapimathead. * BREAK-POINT. CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT' EXPORTING input = wa_matmaster-matnr IMPORTING output = wa_matmaster-matnr. ***Header Details bapimathead-material = wa_matmaster-m...
initial 是初始值得意思,就是判断变量是否为初始值,变量是不同的数据类型初始值也不一样,不一定是空. 比如如果变量是日期类型,它初始值就有可能是 ‘00000000’. 改变日期类型为’0000’,满足space条件但是不满足is initial。会发生错误 所以在判断变量是否为初始值的时候应该用is initial ...
werks like bseg-werks, belnr like bseg-belnr, gjahr like bseg-gjahr, dmbtr like bseg-dmbtr, end of ig_mseg.if not ig_bkpf[] is initial....
If this environment variable is set, the application router creates a state parameter for each initial authorization request. By validating that the authentication server returns the same state parameter in its response, the application server can verify that the response did not originate from a ...