ls_toolbar-icon = icon_create. ls_toolbar-disabled = space. APPEND ls_toolbar TO mt_toolbar. *... Toolbar Button INSERT ROW CLEAR ls_toolbar. ls_toolbar-function = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_loc_insert_row. ls_toolbar-quickinfo = text-048. "Zeile einfgen ls_toolbar-icon = icon...
{ MessageBox.Show("您输入的不是数值", "SAP RFC返回信息", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } catch (RfcAbapRuntimeException ex) //此Exception专门用于获取RFC执行过程中的运行时异常!!! { MessageBox.Show(companyBapi.Metadata.GetAbapException(ex.Key).Documentation, "SAP RFC返回信息", ...
如果要在选择界面上添加一个图标按钮,则可以使用图标函数“ICON_EXPORT” 代码如下(例子为添加的视图的按钮): *加一个按钮 SELECTION-SCREEN PUSHBUTTON1(20) but1USER-COMMANDsearch. *添加维护视图的按钮 ATSELECTION-SCREENOUTPUT. CALLFUNCTION'ICON_CREATE'" 给按钮添加图标和文本 EXPORTING name='ICON_EXPORT'"...
GUI Status参数设置共包括3个部分: 1.菜单栏(Menu Bar):用于设置主菜单选项。 2.应用工具条(Application ToolBar):用于设置应用工具栏按钮,包括按钮名称、按钮描述、及按钮所对的ICON图标。 3.功能键(Function Key):为按钮分配功能键代码,包括系统标题按钮(如返回、退出、关闭等)及通过Application ToolBar所定义的...
Make sure the icon communicates the function clearly enough. Otherwise, use a text-only button. If the smart table is used with the responsive table, you can show the status of an item by displaying a highlight indicator on the left of the item (property: highlight). Behavior and ...
The ‘Advanced’ icon indicates that the Purchase Requisition shall be opened in Purchase Requisition Advanced app to support extended features which are not supported in the Manage Purchase Requisition – Professional app. 3. How can you identify a Purchase Requisition item that has been added from...
option. If you haven’t added the Tizen nuget source before, please click the gear icon next to the “Package source” menu.Then please add a new repository with a name “Tizen MyGet” and the address
下面进行测试。点击 Create 按钮,弹出对话框: 维护了必填字段后,点击 Create: 能看到成功创建的 Sales Order: 下面进行删除操作的实现。 我们设计一个 Edit 按钮,只有再进入 Edit 模式,才允许点击删除按钮: <Buttonid="deleteButton"icon="sap-icon://delete"tooltip="Delete"visible="false"press="onDelete"><...
After you have run the test for one or more test cases, the results are displayed in a table on theSAP Gateway Client - Multiple Testscreen. At a glance, you can see the status of the test indicated by a traffic light icon together with the date and time the test was run, the test...
对于程序不存在的选择字段. 通过函数RS_CREATE_VARIANT传递虽然不会报错. 但通过RS_VARIANT_CONTENTS函数无法读取. 这也能解释为何动态选择屏幕不提供变式功能,因为变式相关的函数仅支持标准选择屏幕. 五 动态选择屏幕的应用场景 公众号中介绍的很多通用程序都应用了动态选择屏幕 ...