最近Jerry做了一个和价格折扣相关的原型项目,把学到的知识记录下来,以备将来查阅。 在这个原型项目里,我们用React-Native开发了一个移动应用,用户可以在手机上浏览SAP Hybris Commerce里的产品,然后下单。假…
An extension can contain business logic, type definitions, a web application, or a Hybris Management Console configuration. That way, you link up in one place all of the functionality that covers a certain field of use, for example a webshop. Addon是一种特殊的extension,扩展了Commerce Accelerator...
在Hybris里,客户把2个G的Hybris安装包下载下来,然后在命令行里运行命令安装,实际上就是用ant的build命令。 为什么要执行build: The reasons why you need to build SAP Hybris Commerce are as f...SAP ABAP SICF事务码和SAP Hybris的链式过滤器filter chain ABAP SICF SICF里的node是树上的节点。 如果当前...
Your go-to partner for ERP consulting, and CRM consulting. Specialized in software engineering and outsourcing SAP Commerce, Salesforce with a global presence.
SAP Hybris Commerce里类似ABAP里的透明表设计 标题的“透明表”得上引号,原因是因为Hybris里的table modelling和Netweaver里的transparent table还不是绝对的一致, 虽然从作用上说都是从物理的DB表上再抽象一层出来这样在application layer可以进行和DB provider independent的开发,从而实现应用代码和DB的解耦。但是Netweave...
CRM中的Pricing Procedure相当于一个逻辑处理点,它根据销售组织、分销渠道等因素确定最终价格。Hybris Commerce通过PriceRow和Promotion Rule来实现类似的功能,如基于任务完成的用户折扣和特定条件下的促销优惠。原型项目中,通过User Discount Groups和Promotion Rules两种方式为用户分配折扣,用户在完成任务或...
Why SAP-Based Ecommerce Websites Are the Future of the Retail Industry. The undisputed leader of Gartner's Magic Quadrants and Forrester Waves (TM) for B2B/B2C digital commerce is SAP Commerce Cloud, formerly SAP Hybris Commerce. Its abilities are beyond the box guarantee ...
当用户完成任务时,调用下图这个Commerce API,将其分配到折扣组里: 原价130.65元的商品,8折就是省26.13元. 下单时,观察到省掉了26.13元,说明8折优惠生效了。 使用Hybris Commerce的Promotion Rule实现价格折扣 新建一条Promotion Rule(促销规则): Promotion的条件,设置成仅当客户购买Hybris商城里的数码相机时,才触发...
SAP acquired hybris to challenge the e-commerce market Delivered through the SAP Commerce Cloud solution, hybris’ omnichannel e-commerce capabilities are deeply integrated into the SAP cloud ecosystem – giving sellers the enhanced data and tools to optimize margins and drive customer loyalty. ...
Learn how Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a secure, scalable, global, and low-cost cloud computing platform to give your customers a responsive, low-latency SAP Commerce web experience.