The facade layer, including the DTOs, represents the SAP Commerce OmniCommerce Connect. This is a business API, and the foundation for the web services. On the top layer, the Controllers take the DTOs and expose them to the view. This is done using the Spring Model View Controller (MVC),...
An extension can contain business logic, type definitions, a web application, or a Hybris Management Console configuration. That way, you link up in one place all of the functionality that covers a certain field of use, for example a webshop. Addon是一种特殊的extension,扩展了Commerce Accelerator...
SAP Commerce Cloud Backoffice 的 Requires Authentication 字段是一个重要的功能,用于控制网站页面是否需要用户身份验证才能访问。通过选择 True 或 False ,管理员可以精确地管理网站的访问控制,从而保护敏感信息并提供优秀的用户体验。在不同的页面和用例中,正确配置这个字段可以确保您的电子商务网站既安全又易于使用。
当用户完成任务时,调用下图这个Commerce API,将其分配到折扣组里: 原价130.65元的商品,8折就是省26.13元. 下单时,观察到省掉了26.13元,说明8折优惠生效了。 2. 使用Hybris Commerce的Promotion Rule实现价格折扣 新建一条Promotion Rule(促销规则): Promotion的条件,设置成仅当客户购买Hybris商城里的数码相机时,...
Hybris Commerce里的持久层 SAP的product都是DB provider无关的,application developer最多用Open SQL直接操作表。 Netweaver里支持的DB provider在这张表DBCON的DBMS字段里能看到: Hybris里也有和CRM WebUI里的API layer起同样作用的layer - API layer, 封装了对DB的操作。
SAP Hybris Commerce里类似ABAP里的透明表设计 标题的“透明表”得上引号,原因是因为Hybris里的table modelling和Netweaver里的transparent table还不是绝对的一致, 虽然从作用上说都是从物理的DB表上再抽象一层出来这样在application layer可以进行和DB provider independent的开发,从而实现应用代码和DB的解耦。但是Netweave...
SAP acquired hybris to challenge the e-commerce market Delivered through the SAP Commerce Cloud solution, hybris’ omnichannel e-commerce capabilities are deeply integrated into the SAP cloud ecosystem – giving sellers the enhanced data and tools to optimize margins and drive customer loyalty. ...
SAP ABAP和Hybris Commerce的Sample数据 ABAP BC系列有很多sample report,要使用这些report需要表里具有sample data。SAP提供了标准的report来生成这些sample data。 (1) SAPBC_DATA_GENERATOR program for filling SFLIGHT and SBOOK tables (2) SAPBC_DATA_GENERATOR_ALE program for ALE demo programs...
SAP Hybris was launched in1997by a German firm calledHybris. It was acquired by SAP and is formally calledSAP Commerce Cloud. SAP Hybris is a group of products which help companies to enhance the customer experience. It is acomprehensive e-commerce solution. Over the years, it has become on...
SAP Hybris Commerce,CRM和C4C的登录语言选择 三个产品都有登录语言的选择:CRM C4C: Hybris: 看到tomcat log里加载的是zk-label_en.propeties: 以前做Fiori的时候,我们知道UI5是从浏览器的语言设置里determine语言的: navigator.languages 里存储的是我在Chrome 语言设置里配的4个language+region组合,ui5会取第...