SAP调用外部的REST服务 http_communication_failure Connection to partner timed out after 60报错 SAP中主动调用外部的REST服务时候, 因为传输的数据量比较大, 所以报Connection to partner timed out after 60 这一错误 ,原因之一可能是 Tcode-SMICM ->转到 ->服务 设置保活和处理超时时间 , 秒为单位 , 可以更...
I am trying to fetch a response from an url(Website url which will writen a XML response) But instead of getting the response i am getting "Http Communication Failure" exception Intresting thing is same piece of code is returning xml data in the other server. Now my question is this issu...
Hi, I am facing "Http_Communication_Failure" error in ABAP code using IF_HTTP_CLIENT->receive method. I came to know from several SDN threads that it needs some DNS or Network related configuration on SAP R/3 system I am using. One such thread (2nd last reply)-->What configuration to...
After creating Client proxy, I have done some coding in ABAP. However, I debugged program for a while and found that I am getting HTTP_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE. Where should I check for this error message ? SICF, SMICM , or any other place. Here is the code below. *** REPORT zus_weat...
Communication_failure = 1 message meg_text. System_failure = 2 message meg_text. 若发生异常,不会引起Short Dumpt中断,与该异常相关的中断的首行说明内容被传递到message附加项指定的变量msg_text中,变量类型为扁平的字符结构。 确保远程目标在SM59种被维护 ...
SOAP Call from SAP Web AS HTTP COMMUNICATION FAILURE Former Member on 2006 Aug 01 0 Kudos 428 SAP Managed Tags: SAP NetWeaver Application Server Hi All, I consumed a soap call via se80 and generated a client proxy. Created the logical port . Now while testing via standard...
仍然根据访问的接口URL创建HTTP客户端 设置传输格式,校验权限,访问方式 根据传入JSON,定义内表,并转换为JSON格式 同理,调用发送和接收函数,之后用相同方式获取返回的JSON数据,并将其转换为内表,做后续操作,方法和认证接口处理一致,不再赘述。 2.3补充 当调用x-www-form-urlencoded类型的链接时,设置头格式 ...
name='savesap'"调用的接口方法value ='POST'.*设置传入字符串call method http_client->request->set_cdata exporting data=json_data.*发送call method http_client->send exceptions http_communication_failure=1http_invalid_state=2http_processing_failed=3http_invalid_timeout=4others=5. ...
CALLMETHODhttp_client->request->set_cdata EXPORTING data= v_string offset =0 length = len. CALLMETHODhttp_client->send EXCEPTIONS http_communication_failure =1 http_invalid_state =2. CALLMETHODhttp_client->receive EXCEPTIONS http_communication_failure =1 ...
exceptions http_communication_failure = 1 http_invalid_state = 2 http_processing_failed = 3 others = 4. if sy-subrc <> 0. call method client->get_last_error importing code = subrc message = errortext. write: / 'communication_error( receive )', / 'code: ', subrc, 'message: ', dum...