“Backint”, on the other hand, is the name of the SAP HANA API that allows for a direct connection between SAP HANA database and third-party backup agents. This facility aims to ensure there are no interruptions between a database and a backup agent, making it easy for backups to be ...
ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION ( 'global.ini', 'SYSTEM') set ('backup','log_backup_parameter_file') = '/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/hdb/opt/hdbconfig/aws-backint-agent-config.yaml' WITH RECONFIGURE; ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION ( 'global.ini', 'SYSTEM') set ('backup','catalog_back...
8、CKINT creates the switch semaphore file and waits un til * it is deleted by BRBACKUP. The switch_sem parameter must be set to a file * path that is located in: $ORACLE_HOMEsapbackup.switch.sem. * switch_sem D:oracleIDSsapbackup.switch.sem * * * switch_log: is required and is...
The backup plan is created.Backup is successful When the backup execution time is reached, Cloud Backup runs the backup plan. If the Status of the backup job is Successful, the backup is completed. (Optional) Configure the retention period of backup data How do I configure the retention perio...
hdbsql -d SYSTEMDB -u SYSTEM -p "passwd" -i 03 "BACKUP DATA USING FILE ('initialbackupSYS')" hdbsql -d HN1 -u SYSTEM -p "passwd" -i 03 "BACKUP DATA USING FILE ('initialbackupHN1')" Copy the system PKI files to the secondary site: Bash Copy scp /usr/sap/...
you can delete the source SAP HANA instance. If you have not enabledUse Backint for Catalog Backupduring the backup, the backup records cannot be found, but the backup data still exists. For more information about how to restore the backup data, seeRestore a database to an SAP HANA instanc...
Azure Backup supports the backup of SAP HANA databases to Azure. This article summarizes the scenarios supported and limitations present when you use Azure Backup to back up SAP HANA databases on Azure VMs.Nóta The frequency of log backup can now be set to a minimum of 15 minutes. Log ...
Data reduction and data migration plan for migrating SAP data into Azure. For SAP NetWeaver systems, SAP has guidelines on how to limit the volume of large amounts of data. Seethis SAP guideabout data management in SAP ERP systems. Some of the content also applies to NetWeaver and S/4HANA...
A completely dedicated HANA cloud instance or whatever database you want to work with instance for each tenant. More expensive. You get a complete level of separation Straightforward and simple backups because you're taking the entire database instance each time. There's no strict right or ...
The application router supports a backup of user sessions in an external session store. This enables the session recovery in case the application router instance that stores a session crashes and another application router instance has to continue handling the running user session. To enable this cap...