在以下代码中,hostname是 SAP Web Dispatcher 或应用程序服务器的主机名或 IP 地址。SapHostFileEntry是GetSystemInstanceList第 6 点 (xi) 中列出的每个实例的 IP 地址、完全限定的域名或主机名。 Azure PowerShell $subscription_id='aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e'$rg_name='Contoso-AMS...
ForHost file entries, provide the DNS mappings for all SAP VMs associated with the SID Enterall SAP application servers and ASCShost file entries inHost file entries. Enter host file mappings in comma-separated format. The expected format for each entry is IP address, FQDN, hostname. For exa...
In the %windir%\System32\drivers\etc\services file, set up the service name resolution. If you don't intend to use network host names or service names for the connection, you can use host IP addresses and service port numbers instead. If you don't have a DNS entry for your SAP system...
SAR as root ps –ef | grep –i sapup /usr/sap/S4H/SUM/abap/SUMSTART confighostagent TIP: Please check that your /windows/drivers/etc/host file contains entry with IP address mapped to hostname vhcals4hci. c:\users\mahesh>type c:\windows\s...
Open the hosts file by entering sudo nano /etc/hosts Using this IP address, add a new entry of the form: <IP address> <hostname> <hostname>.dummy.nodomain ie <IP address> vhcalnplci vhcalnplci.dummy.nodomain Save your changes by choosing Ctrl+o, then Enter. Quit the editor by ...
11:29:02.487 - WRN : Database is not running on host 'rihana'. 11:29:02.487 - WRN : Connect failed (code = -10709): Connection failed (RTE:[89006] System call 'connect' failed, rc=111:Connection refused {} (rihana:39013)) Does the hosts file contains this entry?
To resolve I uncommented the localhost entry in the hosts file on the VM running the SAM MMC: # localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself. # localhost localhost RKS Pre-requisites Check – Warning Once the localhosts issue was resolved the next messa...
First of all on install.sh launch give me the message "the hostname you have choosen is on a loopback" despite i've configured /etc/hosts /etc/hostname. However i can skip hostname check with -s option, but installation give me this error Log file in /tmp/../sa...
1) there is entry in the service file : sapmsFS3 8000/tcp (8000 is the message server port) 2) also from the Portal Server : I am able to ping the application server of FS3 system, so the entry in Host File is also correct. Any ideas on what could be the reason for this Error...
HANA数据库的备份日志:/usr/sap/{SID}/HDB{InstanceNumber}/{hostname}/trace/DB_{DBNAME}/backup.log HANA数据库会自动管理和存储日志记录。您可以使用HANA Studio或者其他相关的工具,执行以下 SQL来查询和获取这些日志备份的内容。 selectCAT.*fromSYS_DATABASES.M_BACKUP_CATALOG CATJOINSYS_DATABASES.M_BACKUP_...