免費試用 SAP HANA 了解SAP HANA 如何結合符合 ACID 的記憶體式資料庫與進階分析處理,例如地理空間、圖形、文件儲存區和機器學習程式庫。試用版包括 SAP HANA(精簡版),最多可供 32 GB 的 RAM 免費開發和正式運作使用。 立即開始使用試用版! 資料庫伺服器至少需要 8 GB RAM,且資料庫 + XS Advanced 應用程式...
Please note: Customers that are interested in SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition can experience the business functionality of our tailored-to-fit cloud ERP. However, the operational experience differs. Within the trial, you need to provide the infrastructure (e.g. through a cloud infrastructure pr...
如果你有SAP账号,或者是SCN、SMP的用户,请点击https://account.hanatrial.ondemand.com,登陆然后同意终端用户许可。 如果你没有SAP账号,也不是SCN、SMP的用户,请点击https://account.hanatrial.ondemand.com,来注册一个新的账号。 2. 从https://tools.hana.ondemand.com下载并且安装开发工具箱和Eclipse工具。 3...
翻译自:Get your free developer license for SAP HANA Cloud Platform in 5 minutes 谢谢你对SAP HANA云技术的兴趣。 免费的开发者授权会给你在我们的试用区创建一个私人账号。 步骤: 1. 拿到你的开发者账号 如果你有SAP账号,或者是SCN、SMP的用户,请点击https://account.hanatrial.ondemand.com,登陆然后同意...
登录 SAP BTP trial 账号,进入 CloudFoundry 的 dev space:默认情况下,SAP HANA Cloud 菜单项里,Create 按钮是灰色的。提示消息:No entitlements have been added yet. Please go to the "Entitlements" page and assign quota to the subaccount in the SAP HANA Cloud section. For details, see Creating...
创建BTP TRIAL到SAP HANA CLOUD的连接 进入BTP 的TRIAL环境https://account.hanatrial.ondemand.com/trial/#/home/trial,转到试用账户 点击子账户 点击左边的连接性-目标 新建目标 输入以下信息 名称:自定义 类型:HTTP 描述:自定义 URL:hana cloud地址https://myxxxxx-api.s4hana.sapcloud.cn ...
登录SAP BTP trial 账号,进入 CloudFoundry 的 dev space: 默认情况下,SAP HANA Cloud 菜单项里,Create 按钮是灰色的。 提示消息:No entitlements have been added yet. Please go to the "Entitlements" page and assign quota to the subaccount in the SAP HANA Cloud section. For details, see Creating ...
首先自己注册一个试用版账户。https://account.hanatrial./cockpit 然后选择Neo Trial。 然后下载SAP Cloud Connector。 https://tools.hana./#cloud 然后在本地安装SAP Cloud Connector,然后在浏览器打开连接: https://localhost:8443 初始用户名,密码是:Administrator/manage ...
Hi All, The purpose of this document is to provide the concrete steps for connecting to SAP Hana Trial Instance on the cloud from your java program through JDBC.
Solved: I've tried to register a trial account. The message was I'm already registered. When I access https://account.hanatrial.ondemand.com/ the authentification works