1. 登陆进入SAP Business Objects Data Services Designer中 2. 创建Data store SAP HANA(SAP HANA的连接) SAP HANAhttp://www.cnblogs.com/omygod/archive/2013/05/23/3094306.html 3. 源数据准备 使用前面导入系统中的DIMCustomer作为源数据 4. 新建project, batch job及data flow 5. 在左下角选择源数据,...
并连接2. 增加Key Generation,并连接在保存历史数据之后,原数据表的主键是customerID,很明显会出现重复,因此我们需要对key column重新赋值3. 运行job4. 在data flow中查看数据5. 在SAP HANA中查看数据专注于企业信息化,最近对股票数据分析较为感兴趣,可免费分享股票个股主力...
<comparison_predicate> ::=<expression> { = | != | <> | > | < | >= | <= } [ ANY | SOME| ALL ] { <expression_list> | <subquery> } <expression_list> ::= <expression>, ... 表达式可以是简单的表达式如字符、日期或者数字,也可以是标量(只有一条结果)子查询,这种子查询的SELECT从句...
We recommend to switch on the table comparison for all tables in the first test run only. The reason is that the full table comparison via checksums takes a lot of time, usually as long as the table export itself. If no errors are found, keep the table comparison off (“Do not compare...
Some common causes of full table scans in SAP HANA queries include scenarios where the table is small, making a table scan faster than a key lookup, lack of usable restrictions in the ON or WHERE clause for indexed columns, comparison of indexed columns with constant values covering a large ...
Plan/Actual Comparison is removed in new CKM3 Technically, data are retrieved from table MLDOC, MLDOCCCS and MLDOC_EXTRACT and MLDOCCCS_EXTRACT Remark: Data older than last period of previous year (related to the time of system conversion) cannot be displayed via transaction CKM3 because the ...
Furthermore, the database procedure, the HANA table type, and a database procedure proxy (usually static) are created here temporarily. Comparison Implementation Using Open SQL The method OSQL shows how the implementation of the database procedure can be expressed in Open SQL too. If the ...
We are using the HANA Z database for CRM, which enhances the products we are currently using by making the system more efficient. Everything is connected to CRM, so we can use the data for analytics, sales forecasting, and data modeling. *Disclosure: My company has a business relationship...
considered in the waitlist. If there are any dropouts, we can consider including those in the waitlist.This SAP CodeJam event is on the topic of Getting Started with Machine Learning using SAP HANA and Python. You do not need to have any background in the topic, but a lot of ...
Note that merge deltas operate better with multiple partitions. But if you really want to learn about table partitioning, read "Table Partitioning in the SAP HANA database" section in the "SAP HANA Administration guide", here:SAP HANA Appliance Software – SAP Help Portal Page ...