输入SOURCE_PACKAGE,输出RESULT_PACKAGEdelete RESULT_PACKAGE where bukrs='BW00'."hana model,必须先删除abap runtime routine,再切换hana runtime routine"输入Intab,输出ouTab
Huawei solutions for SAP HANAHuawei solutions for SAP HANA As an application solution with integrated software and hardware, SAP HANA provides a flexible, real-time, data-source-independent big data analytic platform. Without the need for data modeling and aggregation, customers can directly query ...
Why Another SQL Analysis Tool?First of all, you might have a question why we are developing another tool in addtion to the existing PlanViz in Studio and SQL Analyzer in HANA Cockpit. Some answers are:Bascially it is to make developers happier (developer experience). With the deprecation of...
SAP Managed Tags: BW (SAP Business Warehouse), SAP HANA Initial and lightweight versions have been shipped with BW-on-HANA 7.4 but, nowadays and especially with BW 7.5, the new BW Query Designer (BW QD) tool has reached full maturity. This blog summarises the most important facts that ...
As a first step, check the current SAP HANA alert logs. In SAP HANA Studio, navigate to Administration Console > Alerts > Show: all alerts. This interface will show all SAP HANA alerts for specific values (free physical memory, CPU utilization, etc.) that fall outside of the ...
query_level_sql_hints 这种类型的Hint用于HANA Studio里创建的Calculation View,而非ABAP Development Tool创建的CDS(Core Data Service) View. 我没有用过,没法举例。 更多细节请查询SAP note 2509161。 常用的HANA Hint介绍 详细列表能在note 2142945的正文里找到,这里就不赘述了。值得一提的是,并没有一个统一...
SAP HANA, Big Data, SAP Business Technology Platform In this blog I will show how to build machine learning models in Rstudio and run the training directly in SAP HANA. The main benefit with this approach is that it allows you to utilize the power of SAP HANA both in terms of scalabil...
On-premises and cloud-based HANA-based SAP systems, such as S/4 HANA. Classic on-premises SAP systems, such as R/3 and ECC.SAP must support the SAP system version that you want to connect. Otherwise, any issues that you might encounter might not be resolvable. For more information ...
Solved: I have been trying to learn hana these past few days and have been getting some problems. So As i see SAP HANA is used for de-normalization of data(as per some