将HANA数据库从1.升级到2.后,REGEX无法工作。 我们最近将HANA数据库从1.版本升级到了2.。升级之后,我使用正则表达式(如LIKE_REGEXPR )的所有SQL都不能工作。在HANA演播室运行时,我会收到以下错误消息: 我已经在互联网上做过研究...
sqlhana字符串 正文部分把多个字符串连接起来,在HANA SQL里这样写关键字:concat create procedure concat_me (out itens nvarchar(200)) as begin declare cursor C for SELECT OITM.”ItemName” from OITM; itens := ”; for R as C do itens := :itens || R.”ItemName” || char(13) ||...
I think exact function like regexp_replace is not available in HANA, you might want to use "REPLACE" , "SUBSTRING" and concat them to achieve the same. Can you please tell me what out is your intended out put for 123123|444|555|6666|77|88 ? Cheers Anindya You must be a registered...
These functions access the PCRE1 library implemented in the SAP HANA database. The regular expressions of general ABAP work with the PCRE2 library implemented in the ABAP Kernel. SQL Function Result CDS View Entities ABAP SQL LIKE_REGEXPR Checks whether a string contains any occurrence of PCRE ...
SAP HANA Cloud Platform 原文链接:https://blogs.saphana.com/2014/03/05/saphcp-the-full-package/ Today, we officially launch new packages as part of the HANA Cloud Platform and on behalf of the team I’d like to sha...sap hana连接 Eclipse连接hana Eclipse mars版本下载 http://archive....
:PRINT: might be problematic with unicode characters like cyrillic, japanese, chinese, etc characters. See the KBA: 3386808 Unexpected result when replace_regexpr and :PRINT: is used in a HANA transformationSo instead of: replace_regexpr( '([^[:print:]]|[#|!])'... the follow...
Let's see now how to split string using SQL on SAP HANA database with SUBSTR_REGEXPR() and SERIES_GENERATE_INTEGER() functions. declare pString nvarchar(5000); pString := 'Yoda,Mace Windu,Anakin Skywalker,Luke,Me'; select NumbersTable.Element_Number, ...
unfortunately there is no IS_NUMERIC equivalent in HANA.. One thing that should work as a workaround is create a function or procedure.. but that would be a little too much to do for small things like this.. Probably others experts might have some suggestion or work around to achieve it...
3.SAP HANA SQL Reference 3.1注释 /*1.注释*/--单行注释/*多行注释*/ 3.2标志符 /*2.标识符*//*用来定义table name,column name,index name,function name,procedure name等 1.使用双引号括起来的标志符可以是任何字符 2.非使用双引号括起来的标志符,只能有字母开头,数字和下划线组成 ...
select * from taxnumbers where tax_no LIKE_REGEXPR 'RO[0-9]{4,12}'; REGION TAX_NO RO RO1241 create column table rules ( region varchar(2), ex varchar(40)); insert into rules values ('RO', 'RO[0-9]{4,12}'); select *, locate_regexpr(r.ex IN tn.tax_no) FROM taxnumber...