I am using GUI_DOWNLOAD to save data (which will be displayed in an ALV) in an EXCEL file. The program need to be translated into PL language therefore, I think that the CODEPAGE parameter need to be indicated while using GUI_DOWNLOAD. I am using the FM NLS_GET_FRONTEND_CP to genera...
function module NLS_GET_FRONTEND_CP,输入语言,返回参数CODEPAGE的四位数字值,例:输入'ZH',返回1160这个四位阿拉伯数字。 平时我们所用的,只要输入这四个参数就可以使用了。 DATA : C_FULLPATH TYPE STRING. 例如, CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_DOWNLOAD' EXPORTING BIN_FILESIZE = 255 FILENAME = C_FULLPATH FILETYPE...
Solved: Hi, i use the function GUI_DOWNLOAD to download a .txt file. i use the codepage 4310 and the txt file encodes as UTF-8. now i want to encode the .txt file as
Use parameter CODEPAGE to specify the desired target codepage. If this parameter is not set, the codepage of the SAP GUI is used as the target codepage. 如果不指定,则使用 SAP GUI 所使用的 Codepage 。 l Value range 4-digit number of the SAP codepage. The function module SCP_CODE...
2.使用call function 'gui_download' 把ITAB内表的数据下载到本地PC文件上。 现在遇到的问题是,程式能正常运行,但没有数据下载到本地,debug查看call function中ITAB内表的数据,也能找到数据。为何下载到本地文件上没有数据呢??? 下面是我的程式代码 Report Z_BDC_DOWNLOAD REPORT z_bdc_download. DATA: BEGI...
call function 'GUI_DOWNLOAD' exporting * BIN_FILESIZE = filename = 'D:/123123.xls' filetype = 'DBF' * APPEND = ' ' write_field_separator = 'X' HEADER = '00' * TRUNC_TRAILING_BLANKS = ' ' * WRITE_LF = 'X' * COL_SELECT = ' ' * COL_SELECT_MASK = ' ' * DAT_MODE = '...
This is the desired SAP codepage. If a blank is specified instead, the codepage in which the SAP GUI is communicating with the server is used.[IMPORTING] ignore_cerr TYPE ABAP_BOOL Flag indicating whether errors in the conversion of the data should be ignored or not. Possible values: ...
cl_gui_frontend_services=>action_replace. cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download( EXPORTING filename=l_fullpath append=space write_field_separator=space trunc_trailing_blanks=gco_true confirm_overwrite=space no_auth_check=gco_true codepage=l_encoding ...
CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_UPLOAD' exporting filetype = 'BIN' filename = 'C:\DOWNLOAD.BIN' tables data_tab = itab. 主要参数:输入有filename 要上传文件的完成路径, filetype 包括'BIN' 'DAT' 'ASC'等,codepage 以数字编号的字符集,如8400是简体中文 ...
file_filter=cl_gui_frontend_services=>filetype_excel multiselection=‘‘ changing file_table=it_tab rc=gd_subrc. 文件UPLOAD方法(转成内表): 一、最常用FM的是:GUI_UPLOAD 有同等作用的是CLASScl_gui_frontend_services的静态方法gui_upload,文件可以按二进制或文本格式上传,数值和日期等依赖于用户的...