Is it possible to view vendor in no. in the GL line item display T-code: FAGLL03 . Requirement is view the Cost (respective cost element) cost details - period wise and vendor wise. Please let me know how it will be done. Thanks ParthaKnow the answer? Help others by sharing your k...
Line Item Display Use In addition to displaying the entire document, you can also look at the individual line items posted to an account in the FI component. The document line items from the account view are called line items in the FI component. The system already contains the required ...
I am trying to clear the line items of a balance sheet gl account ( short term general liabilities) using t.code F-03.This gl account is specified as "open item Management" and line item display in the GL Master. The problem is that when I try to clear the line items of the accoun...
点击settings,选择switch list.SAP标准就提供两个显示方式.
设置路径:一.设置1.相关会计科目设置(Tcode:FS00)Open item management=YesLine item display=Yes需要说明的一点是对于客户及供应商统驭科目,不需要这样设置系统也认为是Open item的管理,但是对于G/L账户,就必须首先在这里启用Open item管理。2.为总账科目定义容差组Path: IMG->…->Clearing Differences->...
line)表示。所以叫行项(line item)。所以可以说: Line item is a item that is represented as a line in the document. 楼主提出这样的问题说明楼主很认真啊,确实,在项目初期对基本概念一定要顶真,理解透彻了,悟性就会越来越高了,呵呵!坚持!偶的解释也是很顶真的吧!!!^_^ ...
T-code:OB16.或者用 SE16N 直接改 TZUN 表 IMG->FinancialAccounting(New)->Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable->Customer Accounts->Line Items->Display Line Items->Display Line Items without ALV->Determine Standard SortingforLine Items 字段状态组 ...
抬头和行项目。抬头中包括适用于整张单据的数据,行项目包含的一般是只适用于该行项目的数据。例如SD的销售订单,客户信息在抬头中,物料和数量在行项目中。一个订单只有一个客户,但是可以销售多个物料。SAP的标准定义 The part of a document containing information on a single item.
3.1 Display G/L account balance 显示总帐余额 3.2 Display/Change Line Items 查询每笔总帐科目余额 3.3 Clear exchange rate difference 每笔差异核销 1.GL Master Data Maintenance 总帐科目创建 1.1 Create individual G/L account 创建总帐科目 TRANSACTION CODE:FS00 事务 菜单路径: FS00 SAP menu>Accounting>Fina...
Every time we need to go for BDC to upload our Line items of Customer/Vendor / General Ledger. Today I am going to create the complete process of General Ledger Line items upload via LSMW BAPI ( BAPI_ACC_GL_POSTING_POST). T.code - LSMW ...