You can change the settings of the GL Account in TCode FS00 where you can turn the line item display on now. However this wont result in display of line item in Standard report - FBL3N. The only way would be to get a custom report created from ABAPers using data from Table BKPF and...
Is it possible to view vendor in no. in the GL line item display T-code: FAGLL03 . Requirement is view the Cost (respective cost element) cost details - period wise and vendor wise. Please let me know how it will be done. Thanks ParthaKnow the answer? Help others by sharing your k...
维护可以分两个层次,先在 Chart of account level 维护,再在 company code level 维护。也可以同时维护 COA 与 company code层次的数据。相关 T-code 如下: 以FSP0 事务码为例,进入界面,左边可能有导航区,也可能没有。左边的导航区通过菜单 Settings -> Hierarchy Display 来设置是否显示: 设置后重启 SAP GUI...
Thus the system on execution will display all the "Normal open items". These are the G/L A/c's for which you don't have an offsetting entry, they just have Line item management display active and these are also not the Special G/L trancsations. If any account is having Open Item...
抬头和行项目。抬头中包括适用于整张单据的数据,行项目包含的一般是只适用于该行项目的数据。例如SD的销售订单,客户信息在抬头中,物料和数量在行项目中。一个订单只有一个客户,但是可以销售多个物料。SAP的标准定义 The part of a document containing information on a single item.
You don´t have the sentence line with the t-code (in my example, note I have a line with: "session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/okcd").text = "/nmd11") Please also open a new thread if you have an error. Kind Regards, MarianoFormer...
点击settings,选择switch list.SAP标准就提供两个显示方式.
General Splitter interprets the first line of the inbound message as a header or root element. hence splitting starts from 2nd line. Below is the output of Example 5. "Item No", "Description", "Price""0001", "Description 1", "120 INR" ...
设置路径:一.设置1.相关会计科目设置(Tcode:FS00)Open item management=YesLine item display=Yes需要说明的一点是对于客户及供应商统驭科目,不需要这样设置系统也认为是Open item的管理,但是对于G/L账户,就必须首先在这里启用Open item管理。2.为总账科目定义容差组Path: IMG->…->Clearing Differences->...
glaccount-line-item-service This package contains the OData VDM for the Glaccount Line Item Service of SAP S/4HANA Cloud. This service is part of the following communication scenarios: Finance - Accounting Analytics Integration (SAP_COM_0303). You can find additional documentation for t...