Cost elements become part of the chart of accounts. They are maintained in GL account master data. There is no separate cost element master data maintenance.成本要素整合成为财务科目,按照科目主数据进行维护。成本要素主数据不再存在。 Account master record includes new field for cost element category ...
会计科目主数据的维护函数为GL_ACCT_MASTER_MAINTAIN,SE37查看函数可以发现Account主要包含如下几个部分: TYPES: BEGIN OF account, langu_ml TYPE spras, coa_data TYPE glaccount_coa_data,"对应SKA1 coa_info TYPE glaccount_coa_info, ccode_data TYPE glaccount_ccode_data,"对应SKB1 ccode_info TYPE g...
SAP针对不同的账户定义了不同的类型, 具体包括: Assets-资产(a) Customer-客户(d) Vendor-供应商(k) Material-物料(m) G/L account-总账科目(s) 其中物料科目比较特殊,不可直接记帐,仅可以通过物流方式由系统产生凭证。另外四类都可以通过凭证录入直接记帐。 • Account-账户: 关于account一词,感觉翻译为账...
SKA1-/L accounts master (chart of accounts)总帐科目主记录 (科目表: SKA1 /L accounts master (chart of accounts)总帐科目主记录 (科目表 SKAT-总帐科目主记录(科目表:说明): SKAT 总帐科目主记录(科目表:说明) SKB1-/L account master (company code)总帐科目主记录 (公司代码) 公司代: SKB1 /L a...
Lets first list down the fields which needs to be managed in GL master data We will discuss each item now in detail. 1. GL Account Type –This field has to be consistent across source & target systems. Balance Sheet Accounts map to Balance Sheet Account in CFIN ...
1.GL Master Data Maintenance总帐科目创建 1.1 Create individual G/L account创建总帐科目 1.2 Change individual G/L account修改总帐科目 1.3 Display individual G/L account查询总帐科目 1.4Block individual G/L account锁住总帐科目 1.5Delete individual G/L account删除总帐科目 ...
1.GL Master Data Maintenance 总帐科目创建 1.1 Create individual G/L account 创建总帐科目 1.2 Change individual G/L account 修改总帐科目 1.3 Display individual G/L account 查询总帐科目 1.4 Block individual G/L account 锁住总帐科目 1.5 Delete individual G/L account 删除总帐科目 1.6 Display changes...
1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上总 帐目 录1GL Master Data Maintenance 总帐科目创建2. GL Documents Process 总帐凭证录入2.8 Special Case: Foreign currency buy/sale 外汇业务凭证3. GL Account Balance .总帐1GL Master Data Maintenance 总帐科目创建1.1 Create individual G/L account 创建总帐科目TRANSACTION ...
Can we still use the classic way of managing Bank G/L accounts by creating it as a Balance sheet account in S4HANA public cloud solution ? Or do we need to use new GL account type - Cash Account mandatorily for creating bank G/L accounts ? Is there any roadmap by SAP to remove the...
SFG material master was created with 0 value.MTO Scenario - Production Order for SFG material was created in Plant 1100 with reference to CIR created in Plant 1200. After the Production Order settlement , moving average is not updating in plant 1100 ... ...