Is it possible to read out the Description Text(Short Text) of a Database Table(<b>its available in DD02T table</b>) and assign it to a field via ABAP??? (<b>YES</b>) Regards Raja Reply olivergrande Associate 2004 Jul 14 2:16 PM 0 Kudos 572 SAP Managed Tags: ABA...
All the table description store in table DD02T. Reply Former Member 2008 Sep 16 9:09 AM 0 Kudos 8,956 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi SM, For table text : Table :DD02T : R/3 DD: SAP table texts Text field: DDTEXT :Short Text Describing R/3 Repository Objects ...
讀取SAP 資料表動作RFC BBP_RFC_READ_TABLE或RFC_READ_TABLE 授與嚴格的最低 SAP 伺服器存取權給您的 SAP 連接RFC_METADATA_GET和RFC_METADATA_GET_TIMESTAMP 您想在其中存取 SAP 伺服器的邏輯應用程式工作流程。 如需多租用戶 Azure Logic Apps 中的取用工作流程,請參閱多租用戶必要條件。
Get the systemId property: SystemID of the SAP system where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Returns: the systemId value.systemNumber public Object systemNumber() Get the systemNumber property: System number of the BW system...
FIELD gv_matnr MODULE get_matnr. POV 编写POV程序 MODULE get_matnr INPUT. "获取搜索搜索帮助 select from makt FIELDS makt~matnr, makt~maktx INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE @gt_makt. CALL FUNCTION 'F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST' EXPORTING ...
Table list = function.getTableParameterList().getTable("MATNRLIST"); for(int i = 0; i<list.getNumRows(); i++){ list.setRow(i); list.getField("MATERIAL"); Material m = new Material(); m.setCode(list.getField("MATERIAL").getString()); m.setDescription(list.getField("MATL_DESC...
getDataSource().setRefreshPaused(PauseMode.On); } 为“Switch_Interaction” 编写以下脚本: 示例代码 Chart_1.setEnabled(!Chart_1.isEnabled()); Table_1.setEnabled(!Table_1.isEnabled()); 如果查看者关闭两个开关,则在执行各种活动时(例如向统计图和表添加筛选器、设置统计图和表的层次结构级别、设置...
If any of the following modules is missing on any of the SDI nodes, the module loading does not work: iptable_nat, nfsv4, nfsd, ip_tables, xt_owner To further debug missing modules, one can execute also the following command: Raw # oc get nodes -l -...
The following table describes all of the advanced options you can set in Power Query. Advanced optionDescription SQL StatementMore information,Import data from a database using native database query Enable column bindingBinds variables to the columns of a SAP HANA result set when fetching data. Ma...