Objectives: 目标: 1. Leading team for project delivery to customer 1. 领导团队向客户交付项目 2. Support presales activites like solution preparation, bidding…etc 2. 支持售前活动,如解决方案的准备,投标...等。 Responsibilities/Tasks: 职责/任务: 1.Responsible for researching, mining and analyzing ...
+ For SAP Project Manager, only need someone who has strong project management experience in SAP; 王女士刚刚活跃 凯捷·招聘者 竞争力分析 加载中... 个人综合排名:在 人中排名第 一般良好优秀极好 BOSS 安全提示 BOSS直聘严禁用人单位和招聘者用户做出任何损害求职者合法权益的违法违规行为,包括但不限于扣押...
SAP PPM(Portfolio and Project Management 投资组合项目管理) 是 SAP PLM 商务套件的一个重要组成部分,SAP PPM以项目为主线管理新产品投资所需的资源、财务、和人力需求,从早期的项目决策开始,到立项后的项目执行以及后期的项目收尾,将产品生命周期的各个过程与人、财、物紧密地集成到一起,让新产品的投资者可以快速...
开通VIP (实施)实施 SAPR软件中 项目管理 Project Management with SAP R/3 Teaching Material for the Department of Production Management Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration Andreas Mild Alfred Taudes 1 Introduction ...3 2 Basics & Keywords ...4 3 Getting ready for the worksho...
Optimize resources and accelerate time to market with processes and data centralized with the SAP Enterprise Portfolio and Project Management package.
Production and Operations Management: Manufacturing and Services p. 69 capacity There are many possible project goals such as, for example, to realize a positive net present value, to achieve a high imputed interest, to minimize costs, to cover costs, to maximize gross profit, ...
6 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 待分类 系统标签: sapprojectmanagement管理文档taudesworkshop 2012最新文档-管理系列 (word可编辑版) ProjectManagementwithSAPR/3 TeachingMaterialfortheDepartmentof ProductionManagement ViennaUniversityofEconomicsand BusinessAdministration AndreasMild AlfredTaudes V.1.0 1Introduc...
Project, Management
SAP Commercial Project Management for SAP S/4HANA SAP Commercial Project Management(CPM) 2.0 provides solutions to companies that offer project-based services( for example professional services, engineering, construction, and operations industries) to their customers. It covers multiple processes in an...
SAP植根中国三十年,提供ERP、CRM、人力资源管理、数字化供应链、业务技术云平台、支出管理等解决方案。无论你的企业来自哪个行业、规模如何,SAP 都能为你提供卓越的云软件、数字化管理平台和可持续发展解决方案,助你转型成为新型中国企业。