1、FI 模块常用的 T-CODEF-01Enter Sample DocumentF-02Enter G/L Account PostingF-03Clear G/L AccountF-04Post with ClearingF-05Post Foreign Currency ValuationF-06Post Incoming PaymentsF-07Post Outgoing PaymentsF-18Payment with PrintoutF-19Reverse Statistical PostingF-20Reverse Bill LiabilityF-21...
filename = 'C:/DOWNLOAD.BIN' tables data_tab = itab. 主要参数:输入有filename 要上传文件的完成路径, filetype 包括'BIN' 'DAT' 'ASC'等,codepage 以数字编号的字符集,如8400是简体中文 输出有data_tab 储存文件中数据的内表 二、对上传excel数据可用FM TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP 因为输出的I_TAB_CO...
filename = 'C:\DOWNLOAD.BIN' tables data_tab = itab. 主要参数:输入有filename 要上传文件的完成路径, filetype 包括'BIN' 'DAT' 'ASC'等,codepage 以数字编号的字符集,如8400是简体中文 输出有data_tab 储存文件中数据的内表 二、对上传excel数据可用FM TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP 因为输出的I_TAB_CO...
SAP中本地文件的upload和download的方法 无论是upload还是download,首先要确定文件的路径和名字。下面介绍几种使用文件选择框的方法: 一、使用FMF4_FILENAME callfunction‘F4_FILENAME’ importing file_name=filename. 二、使用FMKD_GET_FILENAME_ON_F4 callfunction‘KD_GET_FILENAME_ON_F4′ changing file...
SAP 程序下载代码1,Codelistingfor:ZDOWNDescription:*&---**&ReportZDOWN*&*&---...
When I use the t-code CG3Z, it always asked for file in the application, I just want to upload file from presentation server to App. server, not override a file in application server. How does this work? Reply Go to solution Former Member In response to Former Member Options Mark...
Updates 23.01.2018 - Show how to enter a TCODE 29.05.2018 - Added the section "What you can't do with the SAP Gateway Demo System" 26.09.2018 - Added links to
Tcode for creation VA11,VA12,VA13. tables VBAK,VBAP Quotation / QT Tcode for creation VA21,VA22,VA23. tables VBAK,VBAP Purchase Order PO Tcode for creation ME21,ME22,ME23. tables EKKO,EKPO. Sales Order OR Tcode for creation VA01,VA02,VA03. tables VBAK,VBAP Delivery LF Tcod...
Program 2: ZFILE_DECRYPTION : Decrypting the file using the generated key Note:Complete source code has been provided in the end of this blog post. Step 1:Reading the encrypted file from application server We are reading the encrypted file from application server(t-code: AL11) using "OPEN ...