GDX3AUTH 用户出口功能组 GDX3 (exit_saplgdx3_001) GLMAST01 主数据的增强 - ALE 总帐科目 GLPLAN00 增强的权限与有效主数据 GLX_MD01 Customer-specific user exits GLX1028 BAPI_GLflex_GetDocItems 的用户出口 (EXIT_SAPL1028_001) GRWTAUTH 报表编写器的授权检查 GSETNAME 存在替换集或组名称 GSL1021...
也就是说,你可以调节一下cash flow注意:对于没上TR实现现金流程表,最好用assignment栏位,第一可以直接输入相关原因代码,而且reason code 操作麻烦,在做substitution时不能实现更改字段内容,而assignment可以写出user exit实现。但reason code 可以实现选择代码。 方法二:应用合并事务¨ 系统配置 (1)后台配置T-code:OBC...
业务交易事件(BTE,Business Transaction Events)是SAP的一种增强方式,技术上讲介于第二代增强和BADIS之间的产物,BTE为会计模块独有的增强,这种增强用于财务会计模块(Open FI)、总账会计(FI-GL)、应收账款和应付账款(FI-AR/FI-AP)及销售和分销(SD)的组件。 3.2 BADI的查找方法: BADI对象的信息存储在SXS_INTER,...
然后再创建exit,输入exit的名字后保存,发现状态栏报错’User exit U_001 not declared in form pool YAF_SUBEXIT‘ 提示要在YAF_SUBEXIT中定义exit U_001. 2.4 定义exit 2.3 中的YAF_SUBEXIT是怎么来的呢?YAF_SUBEXIT是copy标准程序RGGBS000,并通过Tcode GCX2配置的, Tcode: GCX2,可以看到GCX2中替代配...
SAP所有模块用户出口user exit SAP所有模块用户出口 T-Code:CMOD(实用程序—SAP增强)? ? 用户出口名称?短文本描述 0vrf0001?客户指定路线确定 aaic0001?im 总结: 在选择后处理数据 aaic0002?im 总结: 在选择后处理指定的输入项 aaip0001?im 追溯: 实际价值对预算类别的分配 aaip0002?im 追溯: 定义用户定义...
SAP PM 入门系列9 – PM模块的User-Exits & BADIs Maintenance plans: User-Exits: IPRM0002 Determine planned date info for maintenance plan IPRM0003 User field: Maintenance plan IPRM0004 Maintenance plan / item: Customer check for time "SAVE" ...
SAP PM 入门系列9 – PM模块的User-Exits & BADIs Maintenance plans: User-Exits: IPRM0002 Determine planned date info for maintenance plan IPRM0003 User field: Maintenance plan IPRM0004 Maintenance plan / item: Customer check for time "SAVE" ...
Maint./Service Order IWO10034 Operation status based on the status of capacity reqs IWO20001 PM order: User exit to pass routing to order IWOC0001 Create PM/SM notification: Determine reference object IWOC0002 PM/SM notification: Check whether status change is allowed IWOC0003 PM/SM ...
ELSE. SELECT SINGLE * FROM sxs_attr WHERE exit_name = i_userexit-txt. ENDIF. IF sy-subrc = 0. APPEND i_userexit. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. * * Business transaction events (FIBF) IF p_bte = c_x. IF p_stoken-str CS 'OPEN_FI_PERFORM'. i_userexit-type = 'BusTrEvent'. i_userexi...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, My problem is this: I created a replacement fi bvtyp field, having created the exit in the program zggbs000 I implemented the replacement of field-bseg bvtyp with my variable values with a simple routine abap select ... etc. While...