SAP那些事-实战篇-66-税的过账逻辑 核心逻辑为SAP中税的计算和过账是自动的,因为我们在FTXP/OB40中会根据税码配置税的科目,也就是说,SAP默认情况下,是不推荐/不建议手工输入税的科目,如果手工输入税的科目,则SAP会把税的金额也包括在计算税的基础上。 正常我们在FB60/MIRO/FB70中可以输入税额,系统自动按照这...
Hi kiran, I need to know the bapi used for park the vendor invoice in fb60.Can u please share the bapi for that?? Reply Former Member In response to Former Member 2013 Dec 02 7:22 AM 0 Kudos 207 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development This message was moderated. Reply ...
While posting FI documents, for example vendor invoices in FB60. We have an option of posting tax amount and doing this via ABAP via the BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST/BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_CHECK has proven to be tricky in my experience. This post will primarily deal with vendor invoices and will be...
Hi All, I need bapi which can create document for transaction FB60 and later we can do the commit explicitly. we need to upload *HEADER * BESG-LIFNR, BKPF-BLDAT,
TCODE:SCAL (工厂日历) 业务场景:BAPI创建生产计划时指定日期时,判断给定的日期是否是法定节假日。 BAPI:DATE_CONVERT_TO_FACTORYDATE BAPI参数说明: CORRECT_OPTION:默认‘+’ DATE:判断日期 FACTORY_CALENDAR_ID:指定工厂日历标识ID(CN为中国) 返回结果: DATE:向后推出最近的工... ...
输入公司代码,然后选择凭证类型(贷项凭证发票),结算总金额为负则为贷项凭证,为正则发票,当发票即含有进也含有退时在输入采购订单号右边的Button,单击进入后,把退货选成贷向,进货选成借向,否则无法做发票校验,SAP系统外创建发票时,比方调BAPI "BAPI_INCOMINGINVOICE_CREATE" ,这时可不指定退和进的凭证方向,SAP会...
1、事务代码MIR7前台输入采购订单等相关字段进行开票2、代码实现调用BAPI:BAPI_INCOMINGINVOICE_PARK创建发票"---@斌将军---DATA:ls_headerdata TYPE bapi_incinv_create_header, lv_invoicedocnumber LIKE MIR7 发票 原创2022-12-01 09:53:10719阅读 ABAP 调用...
Value Name: sapshow.exe Value: 0x00000000 37\ 请问是否可以在Lotus Notes中调用BAPI函数?可以的,需要载入sap相关dll文件。38\ 我想在我家里的电脑连线到公司的主机,我安装好sapgui后要怎么设啊?我知道公司主机的IP 地址,也有Basis的权限,除了设定SAPGui还要设主机吗?我在SAPGui上直接输入IP地址不行!
What's happend if I post a invoice with a Purcharse Order Item then I post another Invoice with same PO Item the online process check that but if I implement the BAPI_bapi_incominginvoice_create not. Example 1.- Invoice Ref. TEST_001 Purchase Order Item PO001 Item001 Invoice Created ...
When the user enters a product ID and clicks the search button, the app triggers the flow which in turn uses the SAP ERP connector to call the SAP system's BAPI via the OPDG on the corporate network. The flow passes the product ID to the BAPI's ...