Function module: STATUS_READ 读出某个业务对象的当前状态(注意包括业务进行中BUFFER的状态) STATUS_UPDATE 修改状态(批量新增或者修改状态) I_CHANGE_STATUS 状态更新(取消一个当前状态,激活一个新的状态) 补充一点,还有一个取项目的状态描述的FUNCTION是:STATUS_TEXT_EDIT在【ABAP】项目相关开发中的一些经验总结里...
But, you trigger the custom workflow on creation of payment proposal, use the BAdI F1_F110_SCHEDULE_JOB. Hope this BAdI fires on change in payment proposal too. For payment run, consider using BDC or the function module FKJO_START_PAYMENT_RUN. Regards, S.Suresh. Show replies Show ...
But I should still have an option to manually, outside of sap, upload to file to bank's FTP. I have never heard about this - all of the sources I used to read in the past, every FICO consultant with who I spoke, always told me that using F110 file has to be tr...
Just wanted to check, in one of the other post suggests business transaction event (BTE) 00001810 to select own house bank or partner bank, using function module SAMPLE_PROCESS_00001810. (SAP Note 1412591 - F110/BTE1810: Changing predefined house bank). Can this BTE be used for this...
As we're checking Event OUT, so double click '902' will lead us to function module: EXIT_SAPLIEDP_902. Include program ZXF08U06 is where customized company code information comes from. Below is the example to update the segments'E1EDKA1'content of IDOC. ...
In which Function module / Bapi / report the payment block gets filled. Micheal_Mathews Participant 2021 Mar 22 3:55 PM 0 Kudos Hi @coleti Thank you for sharing this wonderful document. Appreciate your efforts. coleti Active Contributor 2021 Mar 24 6:27 PM 1 Kudo Thanks...
30、nt. Tables TCJ_TRANSACTIONSFBCJC3 C FI Maintain Tables TCJ_PRINT FBCOPY Copy Function ModuleFBD1 Enter Recurring EntryFBD2 Change Recurring EntryFBD3 Display Recurring EntryFBD4 Display Recurring Entry ChangesFBD5 Realize Recurring EntryFBD9 Enter Recurring EntryFBDF Menu Banque de FranceFBE1 ...
01 我国进入装配式建筑快速发展阶段 划重点 过去 3 年 CAGR(复合年均增长率) 超过 55% 我国建筑业工业化历程大致可分为四个阶段:建筑工业化最早期、建筑工业化起 +16 分享回复7 sap吧 李景壳 能替代KONP表取数据的表或者function module请问大神 s/4还能不能用KONP表?不能用的话想取得某个condition type的...
More info: You have to define the user-specific coding in the Include program. The Include ZXFMCIU05 is planned for the function module EXIT_SAPSFMMD_018. SAPLFMDT Enhancement for the FM derivation tool More info: This enhancement contains all the user exits used in theFM Derivation Tool....
1. Check whether you have assigned E-mail id to correct field in customer master as per the Function module (ex: SAMPLE_PROCESS_00002040). 2. Check whether you have done configuration in T. Code: FIBF (assign FM to BTE 000002040). 3. Try to assign developed form to print variant for...