4. 销售订单项目:该字段用于决定在指定时间框架内执行库存规划期间必须从仓库中装运的销售订单行项目总数量,该字段可以直接从EWM产品主数据中存储并读取,或者在运行库存规划期间直接从APO系统中读取。 5. 建议存储数量:该字段用于决定在执行库存规划期间仓库内产品的建议存储数量,该字段可以直接从EWM产品主数据中存储并...
EWM - 包装主数据 - 包装明细 -2 4. Element Group:用于简化创建包装明细得操作,在创建包装明细时只需要分配元素组而不需要手工创建分配元素。在手工分配元素至包装明细时,系统将会自动创建一个元素组。在后续创建包装明细时就可以直接分配该元素组将组内元素分配至包装明细中。可以在“定义一般包装规格参数”配置中...
If you use service parts planning (SPP) together with EWM, EWM can take over requirement quantity, number or order items, or recommended storage quantity from SPP and update these values in the product master data. For more information, see the following: Customizing under Extended Warehouse Mana...
Today SAP Extended Warehouse Management is a product with a SCM basis underneath, which has similar concepts to WM, but has a lot more things, like the things you described (Slotting, Yard Management, EGR) - but no TRM. Where TRM is an "add-on" to WM, EWM solves this with process a...
vi. Slotting vii. 内部仓库业务(托盘化数据或者决定有效计量单位) 包装明细确定配置 在创建包装明细确定业务的条件表之前需要在包装明细维护配置中选择一个包装明细并且进入修改模式,如果该包装明细已经激活则必须创建一个新的版本并激活。在该包装明细的抬头选择"决定"页签,在"决定"页签中的"条件类型"列中输入一个...
Intelligent slotting rules to optimize space utilization Read the solution brief Scaling up while maintaining quality – Learn how Dis-Chem navigates expansion with SAP Extended Warehouse Management. Register now SAP EWM benefits Increase process and stock transparency ...
1、v1.0可编辑可修改SAP EWM -快速指南SAP EWM -概述SAPT展仓库管理(EWM用于有效管理仓库中的库存,并支持货物移动的处理。 它允许公司控制其仓库的入库和出库流程以及仓库中的货物移动。仓库中的主要过程是进入和离开的材料,收货和发货,履行客户订单和分发货 物。当公司不存储任何货物时,则不需要仓库管理来管理...
plus additional and optimized functionalities. With EWM Advanced, users have enhanced processes like optimized Inventory Management that includes slotting and rearrangement and improved Outbound processing with Wave Management. EWM advanced also includes additional functionalities such as Yard Management with acc...
SAPEWM快速指南规范.doc.docx,SAP EWM -快速指南 SAP EWM -概述 SAP扩展仓库管理(EWM )用于有效管理仓库中的库存,并支持货物移动的処 理。它允许公司控制其仓库的入库和出库流程以及仓库中的货物移动。 仓库中的主要过程是进入和离开的材斜,收货和发货,履行客户订单和
Basically, SAP EWM has all the basic and core functionalities as that of SAP WM but in addition, SAP EWM offers solutions to several other advanced levels of warehouse and business processes. These help the warehouses in getting the solution to the issues which could not be resolved by SAP ...