预制凭证批量导入时,相同的数据,QAS系统可以正常导入,DEV系统提示:KI235:科目6051040000要求一个会计成本分配,如下图所示: 科目6051040000为损益表科目,成本要素类别为11,按照sap逻辑,收入类分配一个利润中心即可。 分析 一、确认DEV和QAS主数据一致; 二、检查OKB9默认成本对象配置,一致; 三、确认主数据一致后,Debug确...
KI235,You have not defined a CO account assignment for an account that is relevant to cost accounting. Former Member on 2012 Jul 31 0 Kudos 42,664 SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, FIN (Finance) Account 892000 requires an assignment to a CO object Message no. KI235 Diagnosis ...
SAP 外向交货进行提示科目要求一个成本会计分配,消息号:KI235 处理: 指定过账到目标成本中心。 事务码:OKB9 SPRO - 控制 - 获利能力分析 - 实际值流水 - 由财务会计/物料管理的直接过帐 - 自动科目分配 输入对应的“公司”,“成本要素”(即科目),“成本中心”...
内容提示: MIGO 收货报 KI235 和 C+099 错误 作者:高林旭 一、问题现象 在做 MIGO 对订单收货时,系统出现错误。 In "Quantity" view, Qty in unit of entry field, enter 50, UOM is EA.(Note: You should enter only 50 so that you can see the error message, not 40 nor other qty. In ...
Error Code KI235 - Account requires an assignment to CO Object Former Member on 2011 Aug 05 0 Kudos 60,006 SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) Dear All, I am facing one problem. I am making good receipt without PO via Movement Type 501. We are hitting GAIN/LOSS MATIRIALS ...
However no log exists. 1718941 - During VF01 the system issues message VF032 but no log exists How to solve error message VF 342 - "Documentnnnnnnnnnn is currently being processed"? 833111 - Error VF 342 in collective billing run How to solve error message KI 235? 2240191 - KI235 error...
- If no other account assignment object is specified, the system displays the error message KI235 or KI248. - If another, true account assignment object (such as a cost center or internal order) is specified, this object is updated in Cost Element Accounting. regards Waman You must be a ...
1. When we post the transfer posting with mvt 411 E, system determines GBB-VKA combination and issues error message "Account XXXX requires an assignment to a CO object". I am aware that if we maintain settings in OKB9 it will resolve the issue. However our FI consultant don't want this...
3. Why does the system issue the message KI 235 'Account & requires an assignment to a CO object'? o In SRM, you always have to *post to a G/L account and to a CO object.* Exceptions: Direct material scenario - account assignment occurs in the OLTP regardless of what was pr...
29、NUMBER sy - msgnoWITH sy - msgv1 sy - msgv2 sy - msgv3 sy - msgv4 .ENDIF .ENDLOOP.CALL FUNCTION 'SSF_CLOSE'* IMPORTING* JOB_OUTPUT_INFO =EXCEPTIONSformatting_error=1internal_error=2send_error=3OTHERS=4.IF sy - subrc <>0.* error handlingMESSAGE ID sy - msgid TYPE sy - ...