方法/步骤 1 在主界面指令框内输入事物代码KKF6N,输入完成后回车,进入”处理产品成本收集器”界面,输入相关字段内容;2 展开“成本评估”,如下图所示:对没有成本评估的成本收集器成本评估后保存。展开“成本”,已经“成本评估”的物料则显示成本评估结果;3 事物代码MF30,进入”产品成本收集器预备成本核算”界...
进入”单个在制品计算”界面 方法/步骤 1 在主界面指令框内输入事务代码KKF6N,输完回车,进入”处理产品成本收集器”界面,输入如下相应字段内容;2 展开“成本评估”列表,如下所示:未评估的成本收集器成本评估后保存。展开“成本”列表,已“成本评估”的物料显示评估结果;3 事务代码MF30,进入”产品成本收集器...
启用ML后,有两种物料价格确定方式: 1、Cost Estimate 原材料和商品比较适合采用Cost Estimate,通过后台配置指定估价变式以确定未来标准价的获取 策略,如近期采购价,力求最接近下期的市场价。在Closing时,先用CK40N编辑CostingRun,流 程如下: Selection 按照物料类型选择原材料和商品-》Struct. explosion-》Costing根据估...
costing variant PPC1 is used. Costing variant is the basis of cost estimates creation. It holds important parameters like, whether or not standard price will be updated, what is the source from which the price will be picked, the default validity period of the cost estimate, any reference co...
Converting the Unit of Measure for all Materials in the Planning Determining the Firming Date Manually Disaggregated Display of the MRP Segments Processing Planned Orders in the Planning Table Multi-Plant Planning Planning Production in an Alternative Plant ...
#每天说一点SAP# 成本估算Cost Estimate采购信息记录取值逻辑成本估算的物料价格选择L Price from Purchasing Info Record采购信息记录,如果存在多个供应商的采购信息记录,系统取值顺序如下: 1. If a vendor ...
Solved: material 3000232 previously does not have accounting and costing view, now we maintained them, after running ck11n, it shows below error: no itemization exists
Solved: Dear All, Can anyone tell me, what is the difference between cost estimate with quantity stucture and without quantity structure, and in real time scnario when
Introduction: Calculation of standard cost is the annual event generally done at the beginning of financial year during Planning & Budgeting activities, which result
1692682 - Cost estimate: Moving current standard cost estimate 1984006 - CKPRCH025 in goods movement or price release ↓↓↓ 如您想咨询更多有关于数字化转型项目的问题与需求,了解迪森更多的创新解决方案,欢迎您联系迪森,我们将为您答疑解惑。 咨询热线...