From financials, operations, purchasing, inventory, sales, or service, we have what you need to drive overall growth. Explore our Cloud ERP solutions.
What is SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition? SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition is an out-of-the-box enterprise management solution. It's the cornerstone of GROW with SAP, which facilitates adoption of cloud ERP. Run with industry best practices by applying preconfigured processes that are ready...
Cloud ERP is a software system that helps businesses run their operations more efficiently and effectively. It integrates all the essential business processes, such as finance, manufacturing, and supply chain management, into a single system.
SAP植根中国三十年,提供ERP、CRM、人力资源管理、数字化供应链、业务技术云平台、支出管理等解决方案。无论你的企业来自哪个行业、规模如何,SAP 都能为你提供卓越的云软件、数字化管理平台和可持续发展解决方案,助你转型成为新型中国企业。
当你把目标服务器配置到SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit时,要包括以下WebIDEUsage属性。 odata_abap ui5_execute_abap dev_abap bsp_execute_abap 目标服务器配置的一个例子: 04 导入到Web IDE 打开Web IDE,并且在SAPUI5 ABAP Repository中点击File > Import > Application。
而SAP拿Business One Cloud去跟NetSuite竞争,从客户选择角度来说,我反而没发现一点点优势。 价格和实施成本上,Business One不一定比NetSuite要低很多,而在功能角度考虑,大部分的ERP的基础功能两者也都具备。 但是从系统灵活度和扩展性来说,对于一个纯原生的云ERP产品和一个适合中小型预配置的本地部署ERP改造后搬...
大家众所周知,SAP是世界领先的ERP管理软件,但是目前在人力资源等模块做的还是比较薄弱,浪潮PS Cloud(Odoo中国版)是以Python开发,开源,针对性非常强,所以被称为SAP Killer。 目前在国内能与SAP对标的产品,并不是很多,但是目前浪潮与Odoo成立了合资公司,叫PS Cloud,开源的软件。针对性非常的强,可以和SAP一较高下。
而SAP拿Business One Cloud去跟NetSuite竞争,从客户选择角度来说,我反而没发现一点点优势。 价格和实施成本上,Business One不一定比NetSuite要低很多,而在功能角度考虑,大部分的ERP的基础功能两者也都具备。 但是从系统灵活度和扩展性来说,对于一个纯原生的云ERP产品和一个适合中小型预配置的本地部署ERP改造后搬...
前不久,由Acloudear司享网络负责的Sika菲律宾SAP Cloud ERP项目成功上线,Acloudear帮助Sika菲律宾公司顺利落地SAP Cloud ERP系统,完成了与总部系统的合并,正式融入集团全球统一的数字化管理框架。 近年来,Sika集团在其横跨全球100多个国家和地区的广泛业务布局中,大力推进SAP系统的普及与整合,旨在强化集团层面的企业财务...
As the market leader in enterprise application software, we’re helping companies of all sizes and in all industries run better by redefining ERP. Get started with cloud ERP Additional solutions that support your success Industry solutions Each industry is complex and constantly changing. With our ...