Withholding tax is not applicable in most of the cases but in few countries the WHT is required on Down Payments, so here I am explaining the complete process with Taxes and WHT. Step 1: Create a PO with 10% of Down payment and WHT of 5% is applicable for this vendor. Here I am s...
We need to assign the field status for the G/L accounts >>Down Payments Received and Down Payments Requested. 2. Set Accounting Configuration (Transaction code: OBXB) Here we configure the posting key for the down payments (ANZ) and the output tax billing (MVA). ...
Material Provision Indicators-物料供应标识,是指设置物料供应的标识,例如是客供料还是供应商供料。 Tax category-税收类别:是针对各种类型的税收进行的一个分类。在SAP系统中,税收类型是条件级别(Condition Class)为D-Taxes的条件类型。系统在实现销售税时也是通过条件类型来实现的。 Cost object hierarchy-成本对象层次:...
You can Fist Make a down Payment Request using F-47 here you can specify the withholding tax code , then you can make payment for the above with T cod e F-48 and specify the withholding tax code and deduct the TDS for the payment . If you are posting invoice invoice for the full a...
Solved: Hi, Scenario is as below, Total amount of the service is consider as 20,000/ Down payment request is 50% (10000)Advance on Purchase order - T.Code – F-47 Payment
If as a general rule you do not post any tax on sales/purchases, you can hide the fields for the tax specifications. You do this via the special G/L account (down payment account): You can create the master records with an account group for which the Tax Category field...
KNVI-ustomer 主数据 Tax Indicator: KNVI ustomer 主数据 Tax Indicator KNVK-ustomer 主数据 Contact Partner: KNVK ustomer 主数据 Contact Partner KNVL-ustomer 主数据 Licenses: KNVL ustomer 主数据 Licenses KNVP-ustomer 主数据 Partner Functions: KNVP ustomer 主数据 Partner Functions ...
Output tax missing in customer down payment posting (F-29) tobiasbertsche Explorer on 2015 Jul 13 0 Kudos 1,286 SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) Dear all, I have a problem with posting a customer down payment with transaction F-29: The downpayment request (special G/L ...
指定不同国家代码下的计算过程:CN->TAXCN 30. 财务会计—财务会计全局设置—销项/购置税—计算—定义销售/采购税代码 不同税码下各处理代码的比例或数值 31. 财务会计—财务会计全局设置—销项/购置税—记帐—定义税务科目 不同事物下的税务科目设置
To enter a down payment item for which there is no down payment request, select the Down payment field in the business partner item. If down payments are relevant to tax, you must enter a tax code. The account numbers for the tax account and tax clearing account are then automatically ...