VL01N 创建交货 Create DeliveryVL02N 更改交货 Change DeliveryVL03N 显示交货 Display DeliveryVL06O 查询销售订单 Query Sales OrderVLSP 拆分发货单 Split Sales OrderVL22 拆分发货单 Split DeliveryVL09 取消发货过账 Cancel Goods Issue for Delivery NoteVL10D STO发货单创建 Extended Mult. Processing ...
VL03N 显示交货 Display Delivery VL06O 查询销售订单 Query Sales Order VLSP 拆分销售单 Split Sales Order VL22 拆分发货单 Split Delivery VL09 取消发货过账 Cancel Goods Issue for Delivery Note VL10D STO发货单创建 Extended Mult. Processing Deliveries VKM5 对因信用控制冻结的发货单解冻 Block Delivery ...
VL01N创建交货Create Delivery VL02N更改交货Change Delivery VL03N显示交货Display Delivery VL06O查询销售订单Query Sales Order VLSP拆分销售单Split Sales Order VL22拆分发货单Split Delivery VL09取消发货过账Cancel Goods Issue for Delivery Note VL10D STO发货单创建Extended Mult. Processing Deliveries VKM5对因...
3、#160;显示交货 Display DeliveryVL06O 查询销售订单 Query Sales OrderVLSP 拆分发货单 Split Sales OrderVL22 拆分发货单 Split DeliveryVL09 取消发货过账 Cancel Goods Issue for Delivery NoteVL10D STO发货单创建 Extended Mult. Processing DeliveriesVKM5 对因信用控制冻结的发货单解冻 Block&# 4、160; Del...
VL01N 创建交货 Create Delivery VL02N 更改交货 Change Delivery VL03N 显示交货 Display Delivery VL06O 查询销售订单 Query Sales Order VLSP 拆分发货单 Split Sales Order VL22 拆分发货单 Split Delivery VL09 取消发货过账 Cancel Goods Issue for Delivery Note ...
SAP常用T-Code汇总 常用T-CODE 创建一般物料CreateMaterial–General 修改一般物料ChangeMaterial 显示一般物料DisplayMaterial 显示修改Displaymodify 建立供应商Createvendor(Purchasing)修改供应商Changevendor(Purchasing)显示供应商Displayvendor(Purchasing)冻结供应商Blockvendor(Purchasing)在供应商上作标记以备删除(采购)Mark...
11、数量修改仓储位(多处理)精心整理LS27Displayqua ntsforstorage unitLS28Displaystorage un its/b inLS32Cha ngestorage unitLS33Displaystorage unitLS41Listofco ntrolcyclesforWIPIoc.LT01CreateTra nsferOrderLT02CreateTOforl nven toryDiffere neeLT03CreateTOfromDeliveryNoteLT04CreateTOfromTR显示仓储单位数...
If you want to display the document, choose Preview. EWM displays the document. If you want to print the document, choose Execute Action . EWM prints the document. Note You can only process a PPF action once from within the user interface of the delivery. PPF actions with the status Unp...
点保存。打印的话VL02N输入DN号码,点”Outbound Delivery”/Issue Delivery Output/ZLL1, 选择打印机就可以打印出来。 4.VA03,输入订单号,点orders后边的小按钮,看”document flow”,”Display document flow”,里面可以看见每一次的发货纪录(Delivery Note/pro-forma invoice/pre-leg) 5.查询产品配方ZC34 点小闹...