Results Analysis Category Results Analysis Category Key that indicates the origin of the results analysis data. Use In the step "Define assignment", you define the results analysis category of the da MileStone-里程碑: 是项目中有特殊重要性或者会触发某些事先定义功能的一类事件。一般来说它们显示了项目...
Define Cost Elements for WIP Calculation KA01 S6663100- 在制品分析 -主要成本 (31 类别 ) S6663101- 在制品分析 -次要成本 (31 类别 ) Define Results Analysis Versions-OKG9 OKG9 此处没有过多研究 , 只是知道 Assignmeng /RA key 必须选 中,否则后面会报错 . 字段说明 : Transfer to Financial ...
Define Target Cost Version 直接从0001控制范围复制即可。 Define Number Ranges for Variance Documents 定义订单差异计算的编号范围,这个在控制范围定义时一般已经定义,检查一下即可. 订单成本结算 结算号码范围设置—KO8N KO8N 在此将控制范围分配到组即可。 成本计算变式 ...
Define Cost Components . Cost components show the breakdown of the costs calculated in the cost estimate. The line IDs for WIP calculation are normally grouped the same way as the cost components inProduct Cost Planning. For example, the same cost element interval is usually assigned to the ...
c。Define Cost Elements for WIP CalculationG。KA01S-在制品分析-主要要成本(31类别别)S-在制品分析-次要要成本( 14、31类别别)Define Results Analysis Versions-OKG9y。OKG9此处没有过多研究,只只是知道“Assignmeng /RA key”必须选中,否则后面会报错。n。字段说明:Transfer to Financial Accounting:设置过账到...
We use OKTZ to define cost components and define cost component group. What’s the use of cost component group? Let me explain. Suppose we have defined a cost component as Z9 with the following components: Please note that cost component from 10 to 90 are materials, from 100 to 120 are...
To define a report row, place the cursor on the row and choose Define element or Edit -> Element -> Define element. You can also double-click on the corresponding report row. The system should display the debits and credits, and the over and under-absorption for the selected cost centers...
3、Create cost center *before creating cost center,we need to define standard hierarchy. *all cost centers in a controlling area must be assigned to the standard hierarchy. 4、Standard hierarchy(Cost center group) 5、Practice:Standard hierarchy ...
like if i pass the certification exam say for asset management in one attempt. the remaining 3 attemps can be used for other exam certification? or will it get void. please let me know. yesterday | Posted inSAP Learning Q&A Load more ...
图12[1]-[3]表示工厂(Valuation Area)5100的OH group ZA01对应到OH Key ZA01,再回顾第6的[6].Define Quantity_Based Overhead Rates的图8,在定义Quantity-based OH Rate中必须指定一个OH Key。 现在,假设图8中定义ZA01的的产权费为0.45USD/PC,产品A物料主数据中的OH Group为ZA01,为则表示工厂5100每生产...