1 在SAP主界面抬头指令框中输入事务代码LT03,输完回车,进入“创建发货的转运单:创建TO项目”界面,在仓库类型栏选择E1,点击执行;2 右下角出现提示信息框,转储单02000000068创建,则创建成功;3 事务代码LT12,进入确认转储单界面, ①在转储单编号字段,输入2000000068,②在控制框内的前台/后台字段,选择系统...
1 在SAP主界面中抬头指令框中输入事务代码LT03并回车,进入创建TO库存出库准备界面,在仓库类型栏选择E1,然后点击左上角执行按钮;2 在右下角跳出转储单02000000068创建,代表转储单创建成功;3 事务代码LT12,进入确认转储单界面, ①在转储单编号栏输入2000000068,②在控制框内的前台/后台栏内选择系统引导的,然后...
2、OLT01 Create Transfer Order 创建转储单 LT02 Create TO for Inventory Difference 创建库存差额转储单 LT03 Create TO from Delivery Note 按交货单创建转储单 LT04 Create TO from TR 按转储要求创建转储单 LT05 Process Posting Change Notice 处理记帐改变通知 LT06 Create TO for Material Document 创建物...
SAP Tcode LT10 Description Create Transfer Order from List Package LVS Program Name RLS10034 Screen Number 1000 Transaction Type R Module Logistics Execution ► Warehouse Management The SAP TCode LT10 is used for the task: Create Transfer Order from List. The TCode belongs to the LVS package...
13、 loc.在制(WIP)位置控制周期清单 LT01 Create Transfer Order仓 U建转储单 LT02 Create TO for Inven tory Differe nee创建库存差额转储单 LT03 Create TO from Delivery Note按交货单创建转储单 LT04 Create TO from TR 按转储要求创建转储单 LT05 Process Posti ng Cha nge Notice处理记帐改变通知 LT...
With Tcode LT04 (Create Transfer Order from TR) it is possible to create a TO for a TR. After clicking enter, the following screen appears When I click Generate TO Item the system automatically creates a TO for material 1100-0002-0000. However the system cannot create an TO for material...
- 3.Create a sales order. - 4.Goods delivery. - 5.Billing and invoicing to customer. - 6.Payment receipt. 11、Practice *Create a sales order *Create outbound delivery *Create transfer order as a pick order *Post goods issue *Create billing document ...
Solved: Hello SAP Experts, While creating the transfer order W.R.T to inbound delivery i am getting the below error. Storage unit 101328735 does not exist Message no.
SAP系统里,对于Stock Transfer Order这种单据,是支持其outbound delivery自动创建的。 当然这种功能比较少用。项目实践中,业务人员创建好了STO单据后,多会以手工方式执行事务代码VL10B等为STO单据创建一个外向交货单。 本文就是讲解SAP标准系统如何为STO单据自动创建外向交货单的。
The Create Transfer Distribution Order screen appears. You can also access the Create Transfer Distribution Order screen from central access or from the order overview . Choose Sales document Create with reference To order... The system displays the Create With Reference to Order dialog...