SAP-物料MRPAREA数据导入介绍 1.将收集的数据复制到TXT文件,制作成数据文件。2.在TXT文件中,栏位之间以TAB键隔开,如果从EXCEL文件复制过来,系统自动以TAB键隔开。3.必须保证TXT文件的栏位数量与EXCEL的栏位数量相同,数据相同。4.具体参见模板文件。高维信诚资讯有限公司 SAP-物料MRPAREA数据导入介绍 •按数据...
物料主数据MRP1-4&工作计划视图视图的显示 6 物料主数据MRP-AREA视图的显示 三、 操作步骤 流程图: 详细操作步骤: 1.登录SAP进入初始界面,在程序框中输入事务码SA38 2.输入程序名:Z_MM_EXEC_MDM_MATERIAL_UPLOAD,点击左上方“执行”按钮或F8进入下一屏 3.进入“MDM物料主数据上传”窗口,在“PP MRP视图”输...
此时会用到特殊采购类20-外部采购和特殊采购类45-库存从工厂到 MRP 范围(例如外协加工的成品或者半成品下挂的原材料是从外部采购来的,则需维护20特殊采购类;如果外协加工的成品或者半成品下挂的原材料是由工厂调拨来的,则需维护45特殊采购类)
For this, you create an MRP area segment for a material for every MRP area, in which it is used. In this MRP area segment, you can define MRP parameters such as, for example, the lot size or MRP type. This allows you to plan the material differently in the MRP area from how you...
The system creates planning file entries on plant and MRP area level. If planning is required on MRP area level, then the system only plans the affected MRP area. The system does not create planning file entries on storage location level and it did not do so in SAP ERP. The SAP ...
可以看到之前说的mrp area的功能通过需求细分segment实现了。接下来就是验证半成品和原材料的需求是否可以分开和合并了。(半成品设置了segment、原材料没有设置)。 6、创建BOM数据 可以发现有个按钮,这个在FMS系统中点击就是网格值 7、创建工艺路线 8、运行MRP ...
I'd create a MRP area for "supermarket" storage location. Then you can define a separate MRP type just for the MRP area. You can use one of V* (reorder point) MRP types. The "supermarket" MRP area will be replenished with MRP planning run. The replenishment method can be customized ...
2、PP-MRP - Subcontracting You only have to create an MRP area for every subcontractor. Of course, it is still possible to create MRP area/supplier-specificmaterial master data if required. 外包必须要创建外包的MRP区域 3、Storage Location MRP ...
MRP with MRP area is not operational until you assign MRP area to a particular material in material master or in order words create a MRP area segment. If you have not assigned a material to an MRP area, that is, you have not created an MRP area segment in the material master, the ...