1. 说明 条件表(Condition Table)是SAP条件技术体系中最基础的数据源,它们是一群特定的数据表,表名是以特定字母开头 + 三位数字构成(如A106 价格清单/物料组),可以用TCODE:SE11或SE16查看。 条件表的分类有两个维度,分别是用途(Usage)、应用(Application)。条件表名是以特定字符串前缀 + 三位数字构成,用途(...
Step 3 : –On create condition table (Pricing sales/distribution) field overview screen, update the following details. Field catalog: – Field catalog consists the list of allowed fields for creation of condition table in SAP. Choose the required key fields to create the condition table. Double ...
一,定价配置之条件表(Condition table) 条件表Condition table 包含可用来创建相应条件记录的Keys,比如:Condition table :Material; Customer/Material。我们可以根据业务需求,添加自定义的条件表,号码范围501---999。 条件表Condition Tables,主要用于存储条件记录。条件记录通常用特定的key创建,用table来帮组定义Condition...
And also i was maintained condition record for PO (MN04) with combination of Doc.type/P.Org/material for condition type ZNU2 and also checked any condition record existed for this condition type for other combination,No record existed When i am going to create PO for doc.type/Po.org/mater...
The value of this field can be taken into consideration to create condition table. Shipping tab: Delivery priority: Ex: [01 = High]. The delivery priority assign to an item. Use: We can assign delivery priority to either a material or to a combination of customer and material. When we ...
Solved: Hi, I would like to know if there is any generic transaction to create condition tables. Specifically, I would like to create a condition table for revenue
To create a new table, you have to select create and click on Choose.Enter condition table in table field and then you can enter the existing table to copy the condition.Once data is copied, you can modify the table as per the business requirement....
V/N2 SAPMV12A Create free goods table V/N3 SAPMV12A Display free goods table (SD) V/03 SAPMV12A Create Condition Table (SD Price) V/04 SAPMV12A Change Condition Table (Sales pr.) V/05 SAPMV12A Display Condition Table: (Sales Pr. V/12 SAPMV12A Account Determination: Create Table ...
Choose one of the proposed condition tables for which you want to create a condition record. If you have used the access sequence to assign more than one condition table to the condition type, perform this activity. You can configure these combinations as you want using Customizing. ChooseOK....
コンストラクター説明 SapTableLinkedService() SapTableLinkedService クラスのインスタンスを作成します。メソッドの概要 テーブルを展開する 修飾子と型メソッドと説明 Object clientId() クライアントID プロパティを取得します。テーブルが配置されている SAP システム上のクライアント...