这里需要指出的是,中国大陆由于种种原因,这90多个服务目前还并不能全部使用,所以有些客户和合作伙伴可能简单的认为BTP=CPI,是因为仅仅订阅了其中一个服务即SAP集成套件。具体有哪些服务可以使用,可以参考SAP Discovery Center,该网站非常清楚地对这90多个服务分类成几大类:应用开发和自动化,数据和分析,集成,基础服务等...
但是,打开却很慢,一直经常显示SAP BTP Cockpit 正在加载中,请稍候… 体验非常不友好。对于企业来说,一般不愿意切换成BTP的CPI。 尤其是有PO的企业。 在官方描述中,我们可以看到。 SAP Cloud Integration使用经验场景如下: 源系统和目标系统接口类型...
CPI does that automatically, when we create a “User Role” in the dashboard. (see my little chapter about roles.) In the BTP cockpit, an admin can add multiple roles into a “Role Collection”. Such a role collection can be assigned to users. Such that these ...
If you use the BTP Cockpit to create the service instance, make sure to use the same name for the instance "backendXsuaa", as it is used in the target application in next section. 0.3.2. Create Application We create a simple server application which provides a RES...
Where is BTP Space ID There are the values tenant, org_id, and space_id that appear in the BTP Audit Log Viewer. The tenant_id could be checked from the BTP Cockpit. Where can this be found in the BTP Cockpit? "message_uuid": "e3a533c1-57b3-42b5-b514-8934ec5b6a... ...
CPI: Error message using XML to EDI Converter Hello all,This is my first try to use the "XML to EDI Converter" function in an CPI IFLOW. To get the propper XSD file for the X12 message, I've downloaded the XSD file from our former PO system ->B2BIC module.According to this inst...
444. 一步步将 SAP Commerce Mock 应用部署到 SAP BTP Kyma Runtime 445. SAP BTP Kyma Runtime dashboard 打开报缺少缺陷的错误消息该如何解决 446. 答网友问:如果用 OData 就能直接和 SAP 系统互通,BTP 和 CPI 这样的平台意义在哪里呢? 447. SAP S/4HANA Cloud 系统集成的一些场景介绍 448. 最详细的 ...
Strong working experience on BTP Integration Suite Minimum 2 years of hands-on experience in SAP BTP/ SAP CPI Development and total 4 to 10 years of IT experience. Strong knowledge and hands-on experience working with the SAP BTP Cockpit for admin controls. Design, build, and configure ...
444. 一步步将 SAP Commerce Mock 应用部署到 SAP BTP Kyma Runtime 445. SAP BTP Kyma Runtime dashboard 打开报缺少缺陷的错误消息该如何解决 446. 答网友问:如果用 OData 就能直接和 SAP 系统互通,BTP 和 CPI 这样的平台意义在哪里呢? 447. SAP S/4HANA Cloud 系统集成的一些场景介绍 448. 最详细的 ...
Describe: The tenant management node, the runtime node; the relationship between cloud cockpit and CPI; the onboarding process; strategies, scenarios such as cloud to cloud, B2B. CLD900 (SAP CLOUD PLATFORM) Product Overview < 8% Describe: the tenant management node; the function of adapters...