一.说明 成本要素是CO模块的重要内容,它类似于总账科目,是成本项目的细分。成本要素体系是树状结构,每个具有下级的结点是成本要素组(Cost Element Group),最终结点有两种:初级成本要素(Primary Cost Element)、次级成本要素(Secondary Cost Element)。 成本要素维护属于主数据层,可在前台操作,后台也有对应路径。本文档...
Hi, Can any one please let me the field name and table name for the cost element group in controlling. Thanks, Vaka
Cost element Definition Classifies an organization’s valuated consumption of production factors within a controlling area. A cost type corresponds to a cost-relevant item in the chart of accounts. Structure When defining cost elements, you must distinguish between primary, and secondary, cost and ...
Cost element groups can serve various purposes. For example, they can be used to create reports or to process several cost elements in one business transaction.
You can use the Manage cost element groups app and Manage activity type groups app to add your activity and GL as per your business requirement. Table 2: Splitting Structure YA Assign-ment #Element Group @Type Group YA2 You must be a registered user to...
Solved: Hi, I'm trying to find the table that holds the cost center group and cost center for a report I'm writing. Does anyone know where I can find this table. I'm
包括有:成本要素会计(Cost Element Accounting,简称CEA) 成本中心会计(Cost Center Accounting,简称CCA) 内部订单(Internal Orders,简称IO) 产品成本控制(Product Cost Controlling,简称PC) 利润中心会计(Profit CenterAccounting,简称PCA) FI,重点关注财务会计,即外部会计,关注的是按照一定的会计准则,组织账务,并出具满足...
1、Budget of SCP1 S_ALR_87008171 4 Original Group Indirect Labor2 CA23 Direct Labor rate MB52 For material number and inventory stockCK11N For cost instructionKP26 Labor rate input all period by cost center Machine plan activity=0CA22 Time input: Machine / LaborCK40N RunMB51 Manually ...
4) In CSKB TableCost Element Categorydepends on both Cost Element and Controlling Area. So does a Cost Element can be Primary Cost Element for one Controlling Area which happens to be GL Account and Secondary Cost Element for some controlling Areas. ...
Same procedure as mentioned above can be followed for profit center groups, cost element groups, order groups, accounts groups. The HANA table has following important fields Column # Column name Purpose 1 Set class PC group, CC group, account group etc. 2 Org. unit Controlling area 3 Set na...