CSV文件是逗号分隔符格式的文件。将内表数据下载成CSV文件到本机上要先将内表中的数据通过函数SAP_CONVERT_TO_TEX_FORMAT转换成CSV格式,然后再下载到本机。 REPORTz_download_csv.TYPE-POOLS: truxs.*&---**& Data Types*&---*TYPES:BEGINOFty_spfli, carridTYPEspfli-carrid, connidTYPEspfli-connid, ...
CALL FUNCTION 'SAP_CONVERT_TO_TEX_FORMAT' EXPORTING i_field_seperator = '|' TABLES i_tab_sap_data = gt_mara CHANGING i_tab_converted_data = gt_text EXCEPTIONS conversion_failed = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. WRITE: / 'Program failed to Convert data.'. ELSE. PERFORM data_send...
Hi, I want to convert internal table data to text format with separated field by '~' symbol I used SAP_CONVERT_TO_TEX_FORMAT Function Module in case of large data like
SAP_CONVERT_TO_TEX_FORMAT SAP_CONVERT_TO_TXT_FORMAT SAP_CONVERT_TO_XLS_FORMAT SAP_CONVERT_TO_XML_FORMAT 3,下载文件到本地,一般是先获取所要下载文件要保存的路径,然后调用下载方法 3.1,获取下载文件保存路径使用,1,本地文件获取的两种方法都可以。 3.2,下载方法 ①使用function CALLFUNCTION'GUI_DOWNLOAD'E...
Use SAP_CONVERT_TO_TEX_FORMAT. This function module will take any internal table as input and convert the data accordingly, using various formatting options defined at data element level, and it will give you the output in text format. In addition, this function will make use of any delimite...
SAP_CONVERT_TO_TEX_FORMAT SAP_CONVERT_TO_XLS_FORMAT SAP_CONVERT_TO_XML_FORMAT SCMS_TEXT_TO_BINARY 我用到的方法只是前两个和最后一个,第四个只能直接导出文件,可能还没有找到合适的方法,以后再做弥补。 下面就是上代码了 AI检测代码解析 DATA: l_user(30) TYPE c VALUE 'admin', "用户名 ...
29、正式导入时报错Maintain User ProfileUserWAUG_XL*t Changed OnUJLffG_X2011,12,26 J.0: 03:53禺 PasswordStatusAddress DefeiitsParametersStart menu_cSalLogon LangjageDecimal NatationX 1,224,567.69*Date Format4 Y/YY.MMWTims Fanrit (12/24h)00 Hour Format (Exampie: 12:05:10)wSaved.sptiLil...
下面介绍在form中包含公司logo的步骤:在FORM中包含公司logoStep-by-Step GuideTask 1Convert your company logo into a SAPscript standard text. 1. Create your company logo with a graphic program and save it in the 33、 Baseline TIFF 6.0 format.In this guide, the filename is LOGO.TIF.2...
In long text (rows) I have Tex line to be moved from the file. Program now seems to work fine. As you rightly mentioned, MATNR should be exactly what as TEXT is in table STXL otherwise this program will create a new entry. Thanks again, ...
NOTE ►► If the Master Data Server is configured to listen on non- "MDM default" ports, you must type in the port number after the Master Data Server name, using the format ServerName:PortNumber (for example, ServerXYZ:54321). Otherwise, Data Manager will be unable to connect to ...