Solved: HI folks, I have an amount value as '449,00' in variable of char16 type. I need to convert that into a variable of type p length 13 decimal 2... Please
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development u have string as 127,280.01 This is already in decimal notation. Just u need to move the char value to integer value. data : v1 type p decimals 2. move string to v1. This solves. Reply Former...
此函数将字符类型的变量转换成SAP数据库中内部格式数据,如定单号vbeln的类型为Char 10,如果输入的vbeln为6位,则会在前面补4个零(注:该函数的转换规则为:如果含有其他非数字,则不会补零,只有全部是数字时才补,这可以通过VBELN查看到),Number类型的不需要,因为在ABAP程序中N类型不足时长度时默认就会在前面补零...
此函数将字符类型的变量转换成SAP数据库中内部格式数据,如定单号vbeln的类型为Char 10,如果输入的vbeln为6位,则会在前面补4个零(注:该函数的转换规则为:如果含有其他非数字,则不会补零,只有全部是数字时才补,这可以通过VBELN查看到),Number类型的不需要,因为在ABAP程序中N类型不足时长度时默认就会在前面补零...
DATA amount TYPE p DECIMALS 2. DATA n TYPE n. DATA i TYPE i. c_text = text. CATCH SYSTEM-EXCEPTIONS conversion_errors = 1. MOVE c_text TO amount. ENDCATCH. IF sy-subrc EQ 1. CALL FUNCTION 'PREPARE_STRING' EXPORTING i_valid_chars = digit i_xvalid_check = 'X' i_xchar_repl ...
decimal to Char - converts the decinmal value to ## Former Member 2010 Feb 26 2:02 PM 0 Kudos 265 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Guys, field symbol: <new_entry> type standard table. data: i_temp type table of BAPIXMSPOW . I have created a field symbol which...
Hi, i would like to convert a packed decimal to character variable, but i dont want to use the users profil defaults, i would like to choose whether i'm getting 1.234,56
rfc/cp_convert/conversion_char 23 23 default conversion character in case rfc/cp_convert/ignore_error = 1 rfc/cp_convert/ignore_error 1 1 default whether rfc character conversion errors are ignored rfc/disable_debugger_command_field 1 1 Disable command field during RFC debugging rfc/disable_gui...
NUM(a) is a conversion function which converts the expression a to a numerical value. NUM can be applied to character strings (data type CHAR or VARCHAR) with the code attribute ASCII, UNICODE, or BYTE, to date values, time values, timestamp values, and to numeric and Boolean values (...
Implementation ofClfnCharcValueForKeyDateType.charcValueDependency Defined in packages/vdm/characteristic-data-for-classification-service/ClfnCharcValueForKeyDate.ts:44 Code for value dependency. When defining values, intervals can be defined such th...