deploy_application_security_groups控制应用程序安全组部署可选 nsg_asg_with_vnet如果为 true,则网络安全组将与 VNet 一起放置可选 * = 对于棕地部署为必需项 密钥保管库参数 如果不想使用工作负载区域密钥保管库,但要使用另一个密钥保管库,可以在系统的tfvar文件中定义密钥保管库的 Azure 资源标识符。
In a browser, go tohttp://hostname:4848/and log in to the Application Server Admin Console asadmin. The default password isadminpass. For a single-tier installation,hostnameis the name of the system where MEP is installed. For a two-tier installation,hostnameis the name of the system wh...
To authenticate to your key vault using a registered application, select Application Identity. You must have the managed identity or registered application set up ahead of time. For more information, see Create a virtual machine and configure access to your credentials. For example: Select Create ...
Configure the Microsoft Sentinel role To allow the SAP data connector to connect to your SAP system, you must create an SAP system role specifically for this purpose. To include both log retrieval andattack disruption response actions, we recommend creating this role by loading role authorizations ...
Easy Access Menu (SAP EWM) SCM Extended Warehouse Management → Extended Warehouse Management → Settings → Application Log → Activate Application Log Transaction Code /SCWM/ACTLOGBAdI for Single-Order Staging After implementing the BAdi, system calculates the proposed quantit...
For application logs, go to transactionSLG1and open theSAP GatewayApplication Log Viewer/IWFND/. Logs are persisted on the ABAP database. To configure logging settings, go to theSAP Reference IMGin transactionSPROand choose the activities under the following node: ...
1 Configure SOAP Runtime Mandatory In client 000 and clients on which you are working*. Basis/Technical Team Please refer the relevant references 2 Activate HTTPS Port Mandatory Tcode: SMICM*. Basis/Technical Team 3 Maintain Logical System Mandatory SE11 – Check logical system maintained correctly...
Provide means to emitstructured application log messages Instrument parts of your application stack tocollect request metrics Allow production ofcustom metrics. The libraries started out to support applications running on Cloud Foundry. This integration has become optional. The library can be used in any...
To configure the SAP JRA, proceed as follows: Open NW Administrator in a browser window by entering the URL http://<Servername>:<Portname>. Log on to the SAP NetWeaver Administrator. Choose the SAP NetWeaver Administrator link. On the upper menu bar, choose the Connection Management Infrast...
Configure server-side HTTPS Audit-Log Service Troubleshooting Getting Support Extending Application Router Best practices Security best practices Content-Security-Policy Overview When a business application consists of several different apps (microservices), the application router is used to provide a sin...