Solved: Hi I want to change VAKEY in E1KOMG segment and i found 2 user exits: EXIT_SAPLVKOE_001 EXIT_SAPLVKOE_002 now when my abaper tried putting a breakpoint, and when
However the ALE idocs COND_A does not have this field. Does anyone know any other field that indicates this? Thank you for you help. Regards, Salai. Accepted Solutions(0) Answers(1) shashi_thakur Contributor 2014 Oct 23 0Kudos
Had you created a condition manually? Can you give a screenshot from the table which has the manual created condition and the COND_A created condition without material number? How does the record look in LSMW read.file and conv.file? Is the material number visible in both? You must be...
Solved: Hi All, I am using Function Module IDOC_INPUT_COND_A to create condition records for SD pricing whenever a Purchase Order is created. Condition records are
conditions_inx = lt_condx . 处理若干问题后,发现实际修改的值是条件金额或百分比(KOMV-KBETR),在lt_condx中没有标记定价值(KOMV-KWERT)字段,因此无法修改!!!。 参看网上的资料CSDN SAP-ABAP-创建销售订单BAPI税额修改增强 最终处理方案 1、程序RV61AFZB隐式增强FORMUSEREXIT_XKOMV_BEWERTEN_END。
I also think the COND is as easy to read. Jeffssrikanthh Discoverer 2019 May 01 4:44 PM 1 Kudo Thanks for sharing the knowledge. It is really a useful info and It changes our job easy, especially with FILTER, GROUP, VALUE, FOR etc....
If you would like to delete a validation/substitution, and do not want to do this in each system individually, proceed as described in Note 840981. II. Using user exits in validations or substitutions 1. Where can I maintain user exits for validations and substitutions?
Some time ago I´ve written a small block Selecting One Row From a Database Table in order to explain the usage of SELECT SINGLE and SELECT UP TO 1 ROWS. Obviously, there are still discussions about this. OK, let´s derive some rules based on my previous blog: TASK: You want to...
ABAP syntax info: Get info in a nutshell on ABAP syntax and concepts related to various ABAP topics in the ABAP cheat sheets. Demo examples: Import the ABAP development objects of this repository (Note: main branch for the SAP BTP ABAP environment only) into your system using abapGit as des...
Sustenabilitatea agilă este condusă de o rețea conectată de sisteme, persoane și tehnologii care sunt reunite în cloud - permițând integrarea și analiza mai multor seturi de date și accesul în timp real la analize și rapoarte personalizate. Cele mai bune ...