作为全球领军的跨境增值税退税企业,VAT IT旗下自有系统VAT云与SAP Concur合作共享数据库。这使得VAT IT能够为SAP Concur的中国用户提供更加专业的退税可行性分析,编制退税申索资料并将其提交给相关的税务机关,从而为经常在欧洲、日本及澳洲有差旅和业务招待需求的在华跨国企业和需要往海外拓展的企业带来巨大便利。俗话...
为了打造一个开放、共赢的合作生态,SAP Concur推出了应用中心合作伙伴计划(App Center Partner Program)。通过该计划,SAP Concur可以将ISV合作伙伴的新款软件集成到SAP Concur平台,确保为客户提供无缝体验。销售的合作伙伴关系也能使SAP Concur更加紧密地契合SAP合作伙伴模式,助力合作伙伴销售、实施和支持SAP Concur解决方案...
SAP Concur mobile app Tweak spend management to the max by giving people the most intuitive tool to manage their business travels and expenses on the road, in the home office, or somewhere in between. Plan and change your business trips anywhere Process invoices and submit expense reports quicke...
SAP Concur mobile app Tweak spend management to the max by giving people the most intuitive tool to manage their business travels and expenses on the road, in the home office, or somewhere in between. Plan and change your business trips anywhere ...
SAP Concur 构建的这一生态合作伙伴体系,贯穿了差旅、支付、费用与发票等各个关键环节,包括携程商旅、德勤、安永、首汽约车、一嗨租车、饿了么企业版、VAT IT、Hitpoint……等等许多人们耳熟能详的知名企业,都赫然在列。 为了打造一个开放、共赢的合作生态,SAP Concur 推出了应用中心合作伙伴计划(App Center Partner ...
值得一提的是,SAP会上同时宣布了GROW with SAP高级订阅服务的最新消息:自7月15日起,其 GROW with SAP 高级订阅服务将新增包含SAP 销售云和Concur费用管理解决方案。SAP销售云助力客户优化销售流程,提升预测准确性,并增加成交机会。通过这一方案,企业能够利用先进的数据分析与人工智能技术,使销售活动更加高效智能...
SAP Concur: Chart of accounts mapping for product connectors General availability In Concur Expense, users can now access an AI-generated chart of accounts mapping for product connectors, such as QuickBooks or Xero, and decrease the setup time and effort of expense-type administration activities, in...
SAP Concur 的所有可用安全性與合規性資訊、其數據處理原則、其Microsoft 雲端 App 安全性 應用程式目錄資訊,以及 CSA STAR 登錄中的安全性/合規性資訊。
SAPConcur New Customer Onboarding: Welcome KaraCowles New Customer Onboarding: Getting Started TysonWong See all articles Support North America Data Center Status as of Feb 21, 2025 4:58:09 PM Concur Expense:Operating Normally Concur Invoice:Operating Normally ...
Any SAP Concur Data Center region is available to connect to Veeva CRM.This App Center connection only needs to be enabled once per SAP Concur environment. For details on migrating an SAP Concur connection to multiple CRM environments, see Deploying SAP Connection to Multiple CRM Environments....