SAP 税务设置 蓝雨秀秀制作汇总淘宝店铺-蓝雨秀秀全国电话、游戏充值…收入科目确定.税务设置 一般pricing(定价)可能会有这样的一系列步骤1.定义condition table->定义condition type->定义存取顺序->最后是定价过程.MM,SD和税务的配置有很多相同情况,甚至共享了很多相同表.Tax, MM,SD Pricing 配置表.1 Condtion table...
Solved: Hi all. I need add four new text fields in Coding block screen in a account document. I don't know how I can do it or if it's possible. Could you help me? Thanks
The coding block is a tool used to enter additional account assignments, for example, cost center, order or project. The coding block is supported by Accounting (AC) and used by other application components such as Human Resources (HR), which include the AC screen as a subscreen. The tool...
SAP关于客户化字段的修改 客户化字段不能修改:问题背景:自定义的客户化coding block字段无法修改, 分析一下, 如下图,自定义字段ZZ0001,Tcode FB02进入,按F1帮助,可以看到其对应的程序名/屏幕号为SAPLKACB/9999。双击程序名SAPLKACB,选择”显示对象清单”按钮,如下图。找到屏幕9999,所有客户化字段都在该屏幕...
SAP 税务设置.pdf 蓝雨秀秀制作汇总淘宝店铺-蓝雨秀秀全国电话、游戏充值…收入科目确定.税务设置 一般pricing(定价)可能会有这样的一系列步骤1.定义condition table->定义condition type->定义存取顺序->最后是定价过程.MM,SD和税务的配置有很多相同情况,甚至共享了很多相同表.Tax, MM,SD Pricing 配置表.1 Condtion ...
例2 维护coding block screen (148) EC-CS Consolidation (148) 合并会计处理方法 (148) 第14夜:合并数据建模 (149) 一.建立合并源数据基础信息立方体(Tcode:RSA1). (149) 二.建立合并数据基础信息立方体(Tcode:RSA1) (150) 三.BCS建模(Tcode:UCWB,UCWB01,UCMP0) (151) ...
24、. 然后在记录学生成绩时定义一个子屏幕弹出(或默认带出,SAP 管这叫 Account Assginment coding block screen)一个窗口让用户维护学生信 息,在保存学生成绩时将这些信息也一并保存. SAP Codig block 一般原理基本如下,它允许增加字段,自动将增加的字段加入各各 模块的相关表模块的相关表中,并且动态产生一些支...
in the transactions having coding block screen for e.g in transaction FB03 when I see the coding block screen, this new field is not displayed there, Can any one help me out on this or Could you please tell me if I have to do an extra effort to display field on coding block screen...
Hi Folks, I already have 4 fields added to my coding block screen in SAPLKACB 9999, Iam unable to add one more field to the screen. I followed the below steps. 1. Added