这个集成平台与SAP Cloud Integration的主要区别之一是SAP PO在公司自己的数据中心本地运行,而SAP Cloud Integration作为服务运行,具体取决于系统环境,在SAP数据中心或亚马逊、微软、谷歌等运营的数据中心。因此,SAP Cloud Integration位于公司自己的网络环境之外。 假设您的本地ERP系统和仓库管理系统相互交换数据,而同时拥有...
Dear Reader, This blog post is a part of a series of blog posts related to SAP Cloud Platform Integration. The blogs so far are: My adventure in learning CPI || Part 1
SAP S/4HANA Cloud [ERP 云] 采用模块化设计,是一款功能完备且屡获殊荣的 ERP 解决方案。该解决方案内置 AI 和分析功能,能够帮助企业随时随地实时运营业务。 深入了解 SAP S/4HANA Cloud CRM 与客户体验 借助SAP 的客户体验解决方案,你可以连通电商、营销、销售和服务领域的数据,并利用人工智能在每个客户接触点...
登录SAP Cloud Platform integration tenant,点击Edit图标: 创建一个新的Content package: 保存content package后,点击artifacts标签页,此处创建integration flow: 点击Add,选择integration flow: 保存: 然后就可以进行iFlow的编辑了: 创建sender channel:把integration flow切换成编辑模式,点击这个箭头,把它拖到Start图片位置...
From financials, operations, purchasing, inventory, sales, or service, we have what you need to drive overall growth. Explore our Cloud ERP solutions.
是的!SAP 选择 NetApp 作为合作伙伴来帮助构建 HANA Enterprise Cloud。我们的解决方案可以加快流程,并且变得更加智能,同时简化了 SAP 环境 SAP Cloud Platform 是否仍然存在? SAP Cloud Platform 不再是一个独立的品牌名称,但它的技术能力没有消失。而是将这些功能集成到了 SAP Business Technology Platform 中。 SA...
SAP Cloud Platform Integration makes cloud integration simple and reliable. Hence it is SAP’s strategic integration platform for SAP Cloud customers. It provides out-of-the-box connectivity across cloud and on-premise solutions. Beneath the real-time process integration capabilities it also contains ...
SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS One of the key integration tools for developers in SCP is the SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS. This option allows developers to build mobile apps for iPhones and iPads that integrate data from back-end enterprise applications with the iOS front end. The SDK us...
Dear BW enthusiasts, integration has always been a hot topic in SAP environments. And now as business applications move to the cloud, I daresay the challenge will not
将tinmer拖拽到integration process区域,选择Scheduler属性,设置成Run Once-运行一次。 再拖拽一个Content Modifier到integration process区域,切换到message body,维护一个Hello World: 将start timer同content modifier连接起来: 添加一个groovy script: 点击script步骤的create标签: ...