Some time ago, we introduced CL_DEMO_OUTPUT for simple examples and demonstrations. CL_DEMO_OUTPUT, Part 1 of 2 – Usage | SAP Blogs The functionality up to now was
In the ABAP Keyword Documentation, in SCN blogs or in other demos you might have recognized the usage of class CL_DEMO_OUTPUT. This blog in two parts will explain that class a little bit closer. Part 1 explains its usage while Part 2 will have a look behind the scenes. Some extensions...
cl_demo_output=>write('2'). cl_demo_output=>display( ).END-OF-SELECTION.*&---**& Form FRM_F4_FILE*&---**& text*&---
Cloud Studio代码运行 DATAidTYPEscarr-carrid.cl_demo_input=>request(CHANGINGfield=id).SELECTSINGLEcarrnameASname,carridASidFROMscarrWHEREcarrid=@idINTO@DATA(result).cl_demo_output=>display(result). 看到语法不同了吗,如果没看到,请回到你现有的系统中对比 上面语法是INTO DATA里面的写法,下面说...
DATAnameTYPEstring.DATAcustomersTYPETABLEOFscustomWITHEMPTYKEY.cl_demo_input=>request(CHANGINGfield=name).DATA(cond)=`country = 'DE' AND name =`&&cl_abap_dyn_prg=>quote(name).TRY.SELECT*FROMscustomWHERE(cond)INTOTABLE@customers.cl_demo_output=>display(customers).CATCHcx_sy_dynamic_osql_syntax...
cl_demo_output=>write( <wa> ). ENDLOOP. cl_demo_output=>display( ). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 运行输出结果如下 例子2 测试代码及运行结果如下 ...
CL_DEMO_OUTPUT和ALV输出 01 测试数据结构 创建一个结构(为了便于后续与ALV的整合,封装类方法中使用了ALV的字段属性内表LVC_T_FCAT,创建结构的目的在于快速通过函数LVC_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE获取该内表 02 测试数据说明 为了验证效果. 数量,金额都有一定的规律. 方便快速核对结果 ...
方式CALLFUNCTION'STATUS_TEXT_EDIT'EXPORTINGclient= sy-mandt objnr=l_objnr only_active='X'spras= sy-languIMPORTINGline=l_txt3EXCEPTIONSobject_not_found=1OTHERS=2. cl_demo_output=>write( l_txt ). cl_demo_output=>write( l_txt2 ). cl_demo_output=>write( l_txt3 ). cl_demo_output=>...
The task is to call this procedure from ABAP while passing an internal table to the input parameter and applying the output parameter to an internal table. To do this, the example program calls various methods of the class CL_DEMO_CALL_HANA_DB_PROCEDURE. The passed table connection_tab is ...
cl_demo_output=>display( wa ). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 内表ITAB中有15行数据 显示: 2. COLLECT语法 语法:COLLECT wa INTO itab[result]. 此语句将工作区域的内容作为内部表itab中的单行插入,或者将其数值组件的值添加到具有相同主...