LI12 Change inventory count修改库存盘点 LI13 Display Inventory Count显示库存盘点数 LI14 Start Inventory Recount库存重新盘点开始 LI20 Clear Inventory Differences WM清除库存差异仓库管理WM LI21 Clear Inventory Differences in MM-IM清除MM-IM中的库存差额 LL01 Warehouse Activity Monitor仓库活动监控 LLVS WM...
1、WM Tran saction Code 仓库管理模块事务代码大全1.1 LE-WM 仓库管理 Warehouse Man ageme nt仓库管理事务码描述LB01 Create Transfer Requirement 创建转储需求LB02 Change transfer requirement修改转储需求LB03 Display Transfer Requirement 显示转储需求LB10 TRs for Storage Type按仓储类型的转储请求LB11 TRs for...
打印系统库存记录 仓位的库存历史冻结年库存仓储类型输入库存盘点修改库存盘点 显示库存盘点数 库存重新盘点开始WM Transaction Code 仓库管理模块事务代码大全1.1 LE-WM 仓库管理 Warehouse Management仓库管理事务码 描述LB01 Create Transfer RequirementLB02 Change transfer requirementLB03 Display Transfer Requirement创建...
We have some issue in SLED . Production done and batch is upadate with manufacture date and expiry date. later this was stock tranfered to other plant ( Australia) having received a batch in Australia & updated the manufacture date & expiry date correctly, a quantity of the same sku/batch...
LS11Changestoragebins(multipleproc.)修改仓储位(多处理) LS12Blockstor。type冻结存储类型 LS22ChangeQuants修改份 LS23DisplayQuants显示数量 LS24DisplayQuantsforMaterial显示物料数量 LS25DisplayQuantsperStorageBin显示每一仓位的数量 LS26StockofMaterial物料库存 ...
Spro‐SAP Customizing‐Logistal‐general‐Batch Management‐ Shelf Life Expiration Date (SLED) 后面安例中详细描述。 Spro‐SAP Customizing‐Logistal‐general‐Batch Management‐ Worklist Spro‐SAP Customizing‐Logistal‐general‐Batch Management‐ Batch Information Cockpit Spro‐SAP Customizing‐Logistal‐...
LI12 Change inventory count修改库存盘点 LI13 Display Inventory Count显示库存盘点数 LI14 Start Inventory Recount库存重新盘点开始 LI20 Clear Inventory Differences WM清除库存差异仓库管理WM LI21 Clear Inventory Differences in MM-IM清除MM-IM中的库存差额 LL01 Warehouse Activity Monitor仓库活动监控 LLVS WM...
15, 2025.With the change of the total qty, SAP is changing the basic start date as well. Initially, the value was Sept. 01, 2025, but since the Start Date is not allowed to be in the past, the new basic start date is now changed to Sept. 08, 2025.We would still expect to ...
r 田? HlEmt Assflnmeflt Gefton oF Hwr Bitches BaW wa^srtwn B4r±i StKu斗蹴n出止nMt Batch Dfiftfifnwiition and IBJtcii diac± at£h wiiere-Os^ list Batch 5皿血 Unt5 口f MB£a.rc wru^B0fKto^ Date (SLED) Wortte 中防(nfflHTqftm ScKPl Dwwjftert □ocunwYtarv Bat-dies ...
The only eternal thing in the fast-evolving corporate world is change. What you learned at school might be directly consumable in your career job, but the fundamental knowledge and the methodology of scientific thinking are transferable. So be adaptive, be open-minded, and be a fast learner. ...