VL22 - Display Delivery Change Documents 显示交货改变凭证 VL32 - Change Delivery Notification 改动交货通告 VL33 - Display Shipping Notification 显示装运通知单 VL35 - Form Picking Waves Acc. to Time Crit 依据时间标准排列领货波次 VL41 - Create Rough GR 出口粗略收货 VL42 - Change Rough GR 改变...
MEKL Price Change: Scheduling Agreements 价格修改:计划协议 MEKLE Currency Change: Sched. Agreements 货币改变: 计划协议 MEKP Price Change: Info Records 价格变化,信息记录 MEKPE Currency Change: Info Records 货币改变: 信息记录 MEKR Price Change: Contracts 价格变化,合同 MEKRE Currency Change: Contracts...
Hi ALL, I would like to change batch characteristics for the given Material Number and batch number.Please let me know is there any BAPI of Function moudle for this. Based on the Material number and batch number I want to change my batch charactersitics. Thanks&Regards MaheshReply...
时常更新Common role (T-CODE)和Local role (具体权限对象)并配合用户的权限检查,以及PDM权限流程辅助来管理权限。 PS常用T-CODE CJ91 创建标准WBS Create Standard WBS CJ92 更改标准WBS Change Standard WBS CJ93 显示标准WBS Display Standard WBS CJ20N 项目创建 Project Create OPS6 维护项目管理者 Maintain ...
IW32 Change Plant Maintenance Order IW33 Display Plant Maintenance Order IW34 Create Notification Order IW51 Create Service Notification IW52 Change Service Notification IW53 Display Service Notification IW54 Create Service Notification :Problem notification ...
1、SD常用T-CODE与客户相关 VD01 建立客户 Create customerVD02 更改客户 Change customerVD03 显示客户 Display customerVK11 创建条件 Create ConditionVK12 修改条件 Change ConditionVK13 显示条件 Display ConditionVA21 创建报价 Create QuotationVA22 更改报价 Ch 2、ange QuotationVA23 显示报价 Display ...
TCODE规则及SAP交易事务码(TCODE) TCODE规则 01 create 02 change 03 display 知道TCode查SAP menu 路径我刚开始学SAP的时候,我都是从同事或者网上先知道TCode, 而不知道这个TCode是在SAP menu的哪个路径下, 想知道这个TCode 是在SAP哪个 路径, 从而了解更多与它相关其它的Function. SAP 有一个标准的TCode...
1、SAP T-Code and Type summary listItemTypeSAP T-CodeMovementtype功能描述1收货相关VL31N创建 收货的inbound delivery2VL32N修改inbound delivery3VL33N查看inbound delivery4VL06I 查看inbound delivery,查看谁创建了delivery5MB90打印Receving单据(G/R slip)6ZPTF0096打印No HU 的G/R Label。7ME23N查看...