SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi expert, We are not able to create confirmation using C019.. When we press save button it gives "Express document etc etc" I did chcek workplace .It displays the following Update was terminated System ID... JPF Client... 224 User... PRODA1SW Tr...
同时将网站托管在EC2,成本不是最优。 C:使用 Amazon Route 53 基于延迟的路由,通过健康检查路由到最近的区域。在每个区域的 Amazon S3 中托管网站,并将 Amazon API Gateway 与 AWS Lambda 一起用于应用程序层。使用 Amazon DynamoDB 全局表作为数据层,使用 Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) 进行缓存。C选项:Ro...
data: t1,t2,t3. "注t1,t2,t3与每行的三个字段类型相一致 data m type c. perform bdc_dynpro using '程序名' '屏幕号'. "进入屏幕 perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' '表名-字段名(01)'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '功能码'. loop at itab into wa. m = sy-tabix. conca...
7.工程计划统计员CJ02维属项义输入项目定义点击-f点击“第一层WBS元素前(行)”-f点击要素明细按钮)一f点击 *用尸字段8.工程计划统计员AS019.工程计划统计员CJ02维资目结则护投类项定义算规10.工程计划统计员CJB2批量维 护结算 规则11.工程计划统计员工程 5、计划统计员CJ02CJ02(WBS标签-f输入销售类项目...
虽说在这里我们是将会计知识用以家庭理财,应该是比较轻松简易的,事实上会计是一门非常专业和严谨的学科了,知识点丰富、有严谨的逻辑性,而接下来我们会按照会计的知识分章节来学习。 1.2.1会计概念 我们一般听到,会计就是做的记账工作的...
println("Getting Files") // Get each file that matches a pattern from an agreed directory // Each file contains one value map // Load the data from each into the VMStore // ITApiFactory will then automatically use the value def folder = "C:/CPIViewer/DataDump/VMAP/"; def dir = ne...
If Cells(i, 8) <> "" Then session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/ctxtEINA-KOLIF").Text = Cells(i, 8) ' "C019" session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[1]/btn[7]").press If Cells(i, 9) <> "" Then session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/txtEINE-APLFZ").Text = Cells(i, 9) '"30" ...
c. DIRECT POST –Post the data using FM “IDOC_INPUT_COND_A” Pass all the above prepared data into the FM. If some error is returned, then append the same. If no error found, and data is successfully posted then check for Status as 53. If found...
ApplicantHiringRate 0HRRC001 RecruitmentCostFactor 0HRRC010 ComingBack 0HRRC003 TotalLeavings 0HRPA025 TurnoverCosts 0HRPA027 ExternalRecruitmentAnalysisUnsolicitedApplicationsRate 0HRRC020 RecruitmentSourceRatio 0HRRC011 InternalRecruitmentAnalysis ExternalRecruitmentRate 0HRRC005 TimetoFill 0HRRC013 ...