SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi expert, We are not able to create confirmation using C019.. When we press save button it gives "Express document etc etc" I did chcek workplace .It displays the following Update was terminated System ID... JPF Client... 224 User... PRODA1SW Tr...
同时将网站托管在EC2,成本不是最优。 C:使用 Amazon Route 53 基于延迟的路由,通过健康检查路由到最近的区域。在每个区域的 Amazon S3 中托管网站,并将 Amazon API Gateway 与 AWS Lambda 一起用于应用程序层。使用 Amazon DynamoDB 全局表作为数据层,使用 Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) 进行缓存。C选项:Ro...
"注t1,t2,t3与每行的三个字段类型相一致 data m type c. perform bdc_dynpro using '程序名' '屏幕号'. "进入屏幕 perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' '表名-字段名(01)'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '功能码'. loop at itab into wa. m = sy-tabix. concatenate '表名-字段名...
C 订单物料单-基于知识的以及基于结果导向的。 2.2 BOM的展开可以有不展开、单级展开或多级展开三种方式。 四、超级BOM及超级工艺路线 同标准的BOM、工艺路线维护一致,但是一般会为其不同的组件维护对应的OD。 五、相关性 1、选择条件(SC) 使用广泛,意指在某个条件满足后该条记录会被选中,也可以是满足条件后设...
7.工程计划统计员CJ02维属项义输入项目定义点击-f点击“第一层WBS元素前(行)”-f点击要素明细按钮)一f点击 *用尸字段8.工程计划统计员AS019.工程计划统计员CJ02维资目结则护投类项定义算规10.工程计划统计员CJB2批量维 护结算 规则11.工程计划统计员工程 5、计划统计员CJ02CJ02(WBS标签-f输入销售类项目...
If Cells(i, 8) <> "" Then session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/ctxtEINA-KOLIF").Text = Cells(i, 8) ' "C019" session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[1]/btn[7]").press If Cells(i, 9) <> "" Then session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/txtEINE-APLFZ").Text = Cells(i, 9) '"30" ...
println("Getting Files") // Get each file that matches a pattern from an agreed directory // Each file contains one value map // Load the data from each into the VMStore // ITApiFactory will then automatically use the value def folder = "C:/CPIViewer/DataDump/VMAP/"; def dir = ne...
ApplicantHiringRate 0HRRC001 RecruitmentCostFactor 0HRRC010 ComingBack 0HRRC003 TotalLeavings 0HRPA025 TurnoverCosts 0HRPA027 ExternalRecruitmentAnalysisUnsolicitedApplicationsRate 0HRRC020 RecruitmentSourceRatio 0HRRC011 InternalRecruitmentAnalysis ExternalRecruitmentRate 0HRRC005 TimetoFill 0HRRC013 ...
If #1, go back to T/C, change the quantity to 90 and release it.If #2, when you receive it with 90, set the flag (KOMWBGT-COMPLETE) called 'Final Logistics Indicator (FLI)' in the GT tab at header and save it, so that TEW does not allow anyone to process that document.If ...