1、.:.; HYPERLINK sapbwneelam.blogspot/2007/08/bw-useful-tables.html sapbwneelam.blogspot/2007/08/bw-useful-tables.htmlQueriesRSZELTDIR Directory of the reporting component elementsRSZELTTXT Texts of reporting component elementsRSZELTXREF Directory of query element referencesRSRREPDIR Directory of ...
回到报表设计工具,针对客户字段创建权限变量(权限变量的作用就是说创建的变量的值不用在界面上输入,而值是来自于分析权授权所分配的权限值): 注:如果你的标准授权是使用的是BW授权模板来创建的标准授权,则还是会查询出所有数据,因为授权模板中S_RS_AUTH授权对应中BIAUTH权限字段默认的值就是0BI_ALL,这是一个系统...
0-9, A, B, C = User-defined dimension tables Namings for AGGREGATES (partitioned as the cube!) /BI<C OR DIGIT>/<TABLE CODE><aggr_number> <table code>: F = fact table (partitioned by request_ID) E = fact table (partitioned by Year/Month etc.) Namings forTEMPORARY TABLES /BI0...
SAP Table PCBWA_USER Description BW Extraction: Last Extracted User for Profit Center Table Type TRANSP Delivery Class L Main Category Enterprise Controlling Sub Category Profit Center Accounting SAP Profit Center Accounting Tables TableDescriptionModule A141 Dependent on material and receiver profit cente...
若要从/向 SAP BW Open Hub 复制数据,请将数据集的 type 属性设置为 SapOpenHubTable。 支持以下属性。展开表 属性描述必需 type type 属性必须设置为 SapOpenHubTable。 是 openHubDestinationName 要从其复制数据的 Open Hub Destination 的名称。 是
SAP BW System IP Address or Hostname: IP address/ host name of the host on which SAP is running. SAP User: SAP User is the unique user name given to a user for logging on the SAP System. SAP Password: Case-sensitive password used by the user to log in. ...
0-9, A, B, C = User-defined dimension tables Namings for AGGREGATES (partitioned as the cube!) /BI<C OR DIGIT>/<TABLE CODE><aggr_number> <table code>: F = fact table (partitioned by request_ID) E = fact table (partitioned by Year/Month etc.) ...
提供有关使用 Power Query 连接到 SAP BW 应用程序服务器或 SAP BW 消息服务器时可能发生的错误的故障排除提示。
{ "name": "SapBwLinkedService", "properties": { "type": "SapBw", "typeProperties": { "server": "<server name>", "systemNumber": "<system number>", "clientId": "<client id>", "userName": "<SAP user>", "password": { "type": "SecureString", "value": "<Password for SAP ...
SAP Managed Tags: BW (SAP Business Warehouse) 各位好, 目前我们领导有这样一个需求,终端用户不想用EP,也不想用BO,但是又想用网页的方式展现BW的报表。请问各位专家,有没有什么方式可以通过网页调用BExAnalyzer.exe的某些函数等,然后展现报表的方式呢? 排除网页插件,调用BExAnalyzer.exe的方式,还有其他的方式吗...