创建DataSources,对应数据库Table,使用InfoSet,使用FunctionModules; Transformation and DTP DataFlow 1.创建DataSource; 2. RODPS_OS,发布DataSource; 3.复制DataSource到SAP BW/4HANA; 4.激活DataSource; 5.插入Characteristic作为InfoProvider; 6.创建Transformation,定义DataSource到字段Characteristic关系; 7.创建Data ...
从SAP BW 数据源导入时,可以导入所有元数据,或只导入所选对象。 有关将 SAP BW 元数据对象映射到 IBM® Cognos® Framework Manager 对象的信息,请参阅将 SAP BW 对象映射到 Framework Manager。 您可能希望在模型中具有不同的视图(或层):一个导入视图,用于包含从数据源导入的元数据;一个业务视图,用于在...
CreateDataFlowDebugSessionResponse CreateLinkedIntegrationRuntimeRequest CreateRunResponse 凭据 CredentialReference CredentialResource “CustomActivity” CustomActivityReferenceObject CustomDataset CustomDataSourceLinkedService CustomEventsTrigger CustomSetupBase DatabricksNotebookActivity DatabricksSparkJarActivity DatabricksSp...
Hi Experts, We have done the upgrade from BW 3.5 to BW 7.3 in the Dev system after the system copy to a new environment. And once the upgrade is over, we were checking
Solution :You can not take data directly fromBAPI. write a functional module and put the BAPI extracted data into a temp table and them create a generic datasource from there. Consume the datasource in SAP BW and continue BW modeling. ...
After that you will be able to find this CDS view on SAP BW side, i.e. create a DataSource. Please note that you will need to search for the technical SQL view name (@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName) of the CDS view, not the CDS view name. ...
DataSource=https://mySAPNetWeaverBIServer:8000/sap/bw/xml/soap/xmla 有关更多连接字符串的示例,请参阅创建数据连接字符串 - 报表生成器和 SSRS。凭据执行以下操作时需要提供凭据:运行查询、本地预览报表以及从报表服务器预览报表。报表发布后,您可能需要更改数据源的凭据,以使报表在报表服务器上运行时,用于检索...
SAP Managed Tags: BW Content and Extractors Why can´t i create a new datasource based on a structure/ table whichs contains currency / quantities fields? Is about the value reference tables? What are the best choice to replace these fields? Create another Z domain based on a DEC(13,...